How To Keep A Bunny Entertained?

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So how do you keep a bunny entertained? This is an informative piece about logic toys for rabbits. For rabbits to live an active, balanced life, they must be provided with adequate shelter, the right kind of diet, and as a bonus, a large amount of playtime.

Rabbits thrive best when they have lots of exercise. By this we mean, making sure your rabbits have enough space—most preferably out in the open—where they can jump and run around.

Play and exercise help to strengthen their fragile bone tissue which in turn leads to great health and optimal quality of life. To this end, you will need to provide them with plenty of toys and fun activities to keep your rabbits occupied entertained, and happy.

Consequently, this forms the bane of the discussion: Logic Toys For Rabbits.

In this article, the following topics will be discussed:

  • How do you mentally stimulate a rabbit?
  • What kind of toys do rabbits like to play with?
  • What can I give my rabbit to play with?
  • How do I keep my rabbit entertained?

Read up to learn all you need to about logic toys and generally keeping your rabbits happy and entertained.

How Do You Mentally Stimulate a Rabbit?

Logic toys for rabbits_curious bunny

One of the ways to achieve optimal wellbeing for your pet bunnies is to keep them mentally stimulated. Rabbits are by nature very shy and reserved animals. As such, failure to keep them mentally stimulated can lead to boredom, or worse still, they can fall into acute depression. Mental stimulation helps to keep them happy, active, and occupied all day long.

There are several ways to maintain a healthy mental life for your pet bunnies. Here are three of the most common of them:

Find Them A Play Mate

Your rabbit can use a mate when you need it to be active and mentally stimulated. It is true some rabbits do not get along well with other rabbits, but there are some that bond properly when put together with their peers. If your pet bunny happens to be the latter, it would be great to find him a playmate to spend the days together.

Playing with other rabbits will strengthen your rabbit’s social skills. This will also help it mature physically, mentally, and emotionally. But you must ensure they are both properly taken care of, or else the whole thing may just be a bad idea.

Get Them Toys

Toys are also a great way to keep your bunnies mentally stimulated. There are different types of toys that you can get for your pet bunnies. Some common examples are cat balls, logic toys, pet tunnels, etc. You can find these toys at most animal pet stores around.

Play A Treat Game

You can initiate a game where you make your rabbit reach for a treat. This is how you do it. Sit at the edge of a chair or bed and hold out a treat. Once the rabbit sights this treat, it will make a run for it. You can lift the treat a little higher once the rabbit leaps for it just to keep things interesting. It will continue to jump until it finally reaches the treat.

What Kind Of Toys Do Rabbits Like To Play With?

Logic toys for rabbits_cat balls

Rabbits, unlike most other house pets, are required to have an extended amount of play and exercise time to keep them strong and healthy. Their body systems do not function like other animals. Thus, rabbits are to be given the most attention and all manner of special treatments.

Rabbits will play with almost anything given to them that is interesting and keeps them entertained. Unlike other house pets such as dogs and cats, rabbits like to improvise a lot. They can turn any item they stumble upon into a plaything and just get engrossed in it.

But for safety, it is always great to get them standard toys to play with to avoid getting injured playing with unsafe objects. Some of these toys can be properly crafted household items you can even redesign yourself.

Below is a list of safe toys you can get for your pet bunnies:

  • Straw or wicker baskets
  • Paper-plate holders
  • Large brown paper grocery bags
  • Strong hanging parrot toys
  • Whisk brooms
  • Maze-type balls with a bell in the center (Ensure they are sturdy and not made of thin plastic.)
  • Cardboard boxes with cut holes or doors to create a playpen.
  • Rings with bells, such as a parrot toy or a Mason jar cover ring with a large bell attached using a key ring
  • Chunks of untreated wood (Avoid cedars and aromatics.)
  • Wooden clothespins (You can even soak them in cranberry or apple juice to create a tasty chew for your pet bunnies.)
  • Cylinder-shaped cardboard boxes, such as a rolled oats box, with the ends cut off
  • Baby toys: such as telephone rattles.
  • Towels and blankets (Rabbits enjoy playing with and rearranging them.)
  • Shallow sandboxes filled with sand for digging
  • A house or tunnel made of straw bales
  • Metal lids (they enjoy the rattling noise it makes)

What Can I Give My Rabbit To Play With?

Logic toys for rabbits_cat balls

It is noteworthy to state that rabbits have a delicate system that is susceptible to even the slightest external stressors. Hence it becomes imperative that as a pet rabbit handler, you must ensure that they are getting a balanced dose of all they require to not just survive but thrive.

Rabbits require lots of love and attention. You will also find out as soon as you take one in your home that a certain level of patience is required in raising a pet bunny. Asides from this, you may need to set a stipulated budget when planning for a pet bunny. They are going to need food as well as the right shelter. You will also have to devise a means to create fun for them.

Now, the great thing about owning pet rabbits is that you do not need to spend a dime on buying toys to keep them entertained. Rabbits will play with anything at their disposal as long as they are comfortable within an environment.

Rabbits naturally are fun and playful animals. Almost any small household item can become a plaything for most, if not all rabbits. As such, getting them something to play with should not be much of a trouble since they improvise much of the time.

The best way to know what a pet bunny likes to play and what it doesn’t is to first engage with them. By this, we mean getting down and dirty and employing whatever tricks and small play tools are at your disposal to get their undivided attention.

You need to experiment with just about anything to discover which one(s) picks his interest. As long it is safe to be around rabbits, any small object is fine.

Nonetheless, there are known household items that rabbits generally enjoy playing with more than others. We have listed some of them below:

Household Items That Rabbits Generally Enjoy Playing With

  • Paper-towel
  • Whisk brooms
  • Wooden clothespins
  • Pinecones
  • Chunks of untreated wood (Avoid the cedars and aromatics.)
  • PVC tubes cut into small sizes
  • Newspapers or Phone books (for shredding into bits)
  • Towels or blankets
  • Platforms that the rabbits can jump about on
  • A small house made of straw bales
  • How Do I Keep My Rabbit Entertained?

Even if we have to reiterate for the umpteenth time, rabbits are quite the playful bunch. So keeping your rabbits entertained is not so much a herculean task. The goal as a pet rabbit handler is to find what works for each rabbit as this is where you will place the most focus on.

Your pet bunnies can be entertained with anything from simple jumping exercises to play routines. Merely bringing them outdoors is enough to get them through the day happy and energetic. Allow them to play out in the open and take the natural air and sunlight which is very good for them. But it should not stop there.

You can spice things up a bit for them by incorporating a few games into their routine. What is even more interesting is that you can join in on the fun to get them pumped up a little more.

While at it, you can try a game of chase where you get on your knees and pretend to be an animal. Most smart rabbits will start to chase you around once you do this. Rabbits love this one so much.

Logic toys for rabbits are also a great way to keep your rabbits entertained. As stated previously, rabbits can play all day given that they are surrounded by loads of fun toys and games to keep them occupied.

Lastly, as a precaution, avoid incorporating any tiny objects into their play routine. Rabbits are known to hold items in their mouth while playing. Leaving them with very small objects puts them at risk of swallowing and choking on them if they are left unattended.

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