Have Many Toes Do Rabbits Have?

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Rabbits are incredibly adorable creatures. They develop close bonds with you when you take care of them and spend time with them. As a bunny owner, you must learn about your pet’s characteristics. By doing this, you’ll be able to spot any problems your bunny is having right away. One of the characteristics you should be aware of is how many toes your rabbits have. The knowledge of this will help you determine whether your rabbit is walking normally, limping, or cannot walk at all.

This article gives an insight into how many toes, toenails, and feet they have, how to groom their toes, diseases that their toes may be exposed to, and how to prevent them. Finally, we will take a look at how to cure an injured toe. Stay tuned and enjoy the juicy content of this article. 

Do Rabbits Have 2 or 4 Feet? 

Before diving into this question, I want you to know that rabbits have a total of 4 legs, 2 in front and two at the back. The two in front are known as forelegs, while the two at the back are known as hind legs. Now to answer the question, the two forelegs consist of 2 feet which are known as the fore feet, and the two hind legs consist of 2 feet, which are known as the hind feet. 

Do Rabbits Have 4 or 5 Toes? 


How many toes do rabbits have_an image of a rabbit toes

There have been some controversies regarding whether rabbits have 4 or 5 toes. It is important to note that the number of rabbit toes is dependent on the breed. The different breeds are responsible for variations

when it comes to the number of toes a rabbit possesses. According to its anatomy, a rabbit should possess 4 toes on each of the forefeet and hind feet. However, if the rabbit is of a domestic breed, it will have 5 toes on each forefoot and 4 toes on each hind foot. If a rabbit is of a wild breed, it will have 5 toes on each of the fore and hind feet. Some rabbits even have fewer than four toes, an example of this is found in a breed known as Angora, which has 3 toes in both fore and hind feet. 


How Many Toenails Do Rabbits Have? 

The total number of toenails a rabbit has is also depends on its breed. Bunny owners typically have domestic breeds. Domestic rabbit breeds consist of 5 fore toes and 4 hind toes on each foot, making a total of 18 toenails in number. 

What is the Extra-toe on a Rabbit Called? 

The presence of an extra toe is known as polydactyl. Rabbits possess an extra toe called the “Dewclaw”.It is often located in a higher position than the rest of the toes. It occurs due to a gene mutation that occurs during the embryonic stage of development. Rabbits with extra toes most times inherit it from their parents. Having an extra toe doesn’t cause any special benefit or harm to them. 

What Are The Characteristics of A Rabbit’s Toe

How many toes do rabbits have_rabbit's toes

  1. Rabbits Are Digitigrade Animals 

Digitigrade animals are animals that stand or walk on their toes. Rabbits are known to possess this characteristic. Being a digitigrade animal helps them to move quietly and swiftly. It is also useful for accessing food sources; while they access food sources with their front limbs and teeth, they can still keep a stable position. This characteristic is particularly useful for wild breeds because it helps them to evade predators, and hunt for food. 

  1. Their Hind Toes are Powerful 

Rabbits possess long and narrow hind toes that are very powerful. This hind toe aids their hopping gait, helps them to travel long distances, and also helps them to propel themselves into the air. 

  1. Their Toenails Have Sharp Claws 

Rabbits’ toenails end in sharp claws that help to navigate their daily lives. These sharp claws help them drag objects, burrowing holes, and even defending themselves in case of attacks.

4. Their Toes Have Different Functions

One unique thing about rabbits’ toes is that each of their toes has different functions. The first toe is responsible for their grooming routine, helping them in cleaning their ears, faces, etc., thereby, maintaining personal hygiene. 

The second and third toes are responsible for their hopping nature. This makes them cover long distances in a short while. The fourth toe on the other hand is responsible for grasping objects and digging burrows. This makes it easier for them to eat their food. Finally, the fifth toe (which is not usually present at the hind toe) is less functional and majorly contributes to the balance of the foot. 


What Are The Diseases That Affects A Rabbit’s Toes? 

how many toes do rabbits have_white rabbit's toes

The following are some of the diseases that can affect the rabbit’s toe 

  1. Pododermatitis

Pododermatitis is also known as sore hocks or bubble foot. It simply means the irritation of the bottom of the feet of the rabbit caused by infection, friction, and obesity. The infection is brought on by bacteria, particularly those belonging to the Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, and Escherichia species, with S. aureus being the most frequent cause. Friction is usually caused by rough surfaces, inappropriate flooring, etc. Sore hocks could cause symptoms like redness, soreness, and inflammation, all of which are usually very painful. 

  1. Fracture 

Another condition that may affect a rabbit is a fracture. A fracture is a partial or complete breakage of the bone. Fractures of the toes could occur as a result of accidents, falls, weak bones, fighting, improper handling, etc. 

  1. Ingrown Nails 

An ingrown nail is a condition that occurs when the corner or side of the toenail grows into the foot pad. When the toenails of your rabbit are not properly trimmed, it could lead to an overgrown nail, and grow into the foot pad, a soft fleshy part. When this occurs, the rabbits experience symptoms like pain, swelling, irritation, and infection which may be occasional. These symptoms may cause difficulty in movement. 

  1. Toe Deformities 

Rabbits exhibit several toe deformities and this is usually due to genetic mutation or developmental problems. Injuries and other health challenges could also lead to toe deformities. Some of these deformities include fused toes, extra toes, missing toes, or distorted toes. 5. Arthritis 

Arthritis is the inflammation of joint spaces. This disease mainly affects older rabbits which have worn out their bones, and become weak. Arthritis usually causes pain and reduced mobility in rabbits.


How Can You Prevent Your Rabbits From Toe Diseases?

The following are the ways by which you can prevent your rabbits from developing toe diseases

1. Practice Cleanliness 

As a bunny owner, the first and the most important way by which you can prevent your rabbit from toe diseases is by practicing cleanliness. Ensure that you keep your rabbit’s living area clean and free from dirt. You must clean their toes well because dirt may get stuck there and if you do not clean it on time, it may cause irritation or infection. You 

should also keep their living area dry from moisture to prevent fungal growth.

2. Trim Long Nails 

As earlier stated, rabbits’ toes consist of toenails that could grow into their soft fleshy skin if not trimmed. This could cause them to wound themselves and in turn cause pain, soreness, edema, and discomfort. When this happens, it will cause difficulty in their movement. It is therefore important to trim their nails, when doing this, you must be careful. If you are a first-time rabbit owner, you can see a Vet to guide you on how to trim your rabbit’s nails. This is because there is a vein around their toenails known as “Quick” that you must be careful of. If you mistakenly cut this vein, it will cause blood flow and will be extremely painful for the rabbit. 

  1. Soft Bedding or Flooring 

Another point to take note of is that you must provide soft bedding for your rabbit. This will help to reduce the friction that is caused when its toes touch a coarse surface. This in turn prevents wounds or any irritation caused by trauma. 

  1. Healthy Diet 

We earlier stated that one of the causes of Pododermatitis, a disease that affects the toes of rabbits is obesity. When your rabbit is obese, it can cause pressure in the feet and joints of the toes. This in turn will irritate the toes. Therefore, you need to give your rabbits

food rich in fiber, especially hay and vegetables, and limit their intake of pellets. By doing this, you are nourishing their body and providing them with a healthy diet.

5. Be Observant 

As a bunny owner, you need to be very observant to notice if there is any discomfort your rabbit is going through. This is because there are times that their toes may get infected, so you need to regularly check their toes for any unusual signs. These signs may include redness, swelling, etc. When you notice this, you must immediately take your rabbit to see a Vet.



The question of how many toes they have offered us a glimpse into the complexity of their body structure; and we can unfold that their toes play a major role in their normal daily life, their functioning as a whole, and their uniqueness as rabbits. Therefore, it doesn’t matter how basic a detail might be, what matters is what happens when that detail is not provided.

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