Can Rabbits Eat Aspen Shavings?

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Shavings are used for rabbits’ bedding and litter boxes. Different beddings could be adopted for a rabbit’s use. Some of them include hay, sand, sawdust, newspaper, towels and blankets, straw, paper pulp, aspen shavings (our major focus in this article will be to know if rabbits can eat aspen shavings), and so on. Beddings are of great use to rabbits because they help to keep them warm from cold. It is majorly useful for rabbits that stay outside the house. It might be unnecessary for rabbits that stay indoors because the heat from inside can keep them away from cold. They also provide comfort for the rabbits while sleeping.

A litter box on the other hand is a receptacle that contains dry material known as litter that is used to get rid of urine and feces. It has come to our knowledge that rabbits eat shavings. Some shavings don’t cause harm to your rabbits while some do. 

In this article we will find out if rabbits can eat aspen shavings, also if they can eat wood shavings, we will learn the kinds of shavings rabbits can use, and the types of beddings that are bad for rabbits.


Can Rabbits Eat Wood Shavings?

can rabbits eat aspen shavings_ a rabbit inside wood shavings bedding

Wood shavings as the name implies, it is a shaved or chipped wood, which is a by-product obtained when the wood is shaped from operations like sawing, milling, planning, etc. They are commonly used for the bedding of animals, they also help to remove unwanted odors, absorb their waste products, and make it easy to clean.

There are different types of wood shavings. Some of them are:

  1. Pine Shavings
  2. Cedar Shavings
  3. Aspen Shavings

Rabbits love to chew a lot. Oftentimes, when they don’t have food to munch on, they go ahead to munch on their beddings that are made from wood shavings. Some wood shavings are safe for rabbits while some are not safe. If rabbits consume unsafe shavings, it can lead to respiratory and digestive problems. 

Wood shavings that contain oils are phenols are harmful to rabbits while those that don’t contain them are safe for them. Dusty and shavings with odors are also harmful to rabbits. These shavings could choke them. The following wood shavings should not be used for your rabbits. They are:

  1. Pine shavings
  2. Cedar shavings
  3. Bamboo shavings
  4. Cherry tree shavings
  5. Yew shavings
  6. Peachtree shavings

if the above food shavings are used for your rabbits, you are exposing their lives to danger. However, some wood shavings are safe for your rabbits because they do not contain oils and phenols. They are:

  1. Aspen shavings
  2. Shredded paper

Other shavings that are specially made for rabbits can be gotten from the pet store. For them to be specially made for rabbits, means they are safe for them to use.


Can Rabbits Eat Aspen Shavings?

can rabbits eat aspen shavings_ two rabbits on Aspen shavings

As earlier said, aspen shavings are devoid of chemicals that can expose the lives of rabbits to danger. They are the number one shavings that are recommended for bedding and litter for rabbits. They are also odor free and absorbent helping to conceal the odor from the rabbit’s waste products. 

It is important to note that fresh aspen from the tree can be harmful to rabbits. This is because, in this state, it still contains harmful chemicals like phenols. Therefore, it is better to dry it in a kiln, when this is done and used as bedding, your rabbit is safe. Another reason why aspen shavings are good is that it is not expensive and easily accessible. Chewing is part of your rabbits. When they chew their teeth become stronger, and it also keeps them from getting bored.

Aspen shavings should however not serve as a replacement for your rabbit’s food. You shouldn’t starve your rabbits to the extent they depend on their bedding or litter box for food. If you do not feed them well with hay, and they continue to munch on aspen shavings, they will come down with a health challenge. So as much as aspen shavings are safe, it is much safer to always provide your rabbits with appropriate food so that they don’t depend on their aspen shavings for food.

Why Is Phenol Bad For Your Rabbits?

When your rabbit is exposed to phenol, it causes changes in the enzymes of your rabbit’s liver. When this phenol is introduced, as a form of defense mechanism, it tries to counter the effect of this chemical by destroying them. However, if there is the constant exposure of your rabbit to this chemical, there is irritation to the rabbit’s organs. 

When you administer drugs to your rabbits, and they are exposed to phenol, the drugs become less effective because the enzymes present in this phenol also wash these drugs away and the drugs will not be able to give their required cure. Certain drugs that are commonly administered to rabbits that can be washed away by phenols include ketamine, dexamethasone, xylazine, etc.

 Phenol can cause problems with your rabbit’s nervous system, irritation of the skin and respiratory tract, and damage to your rabbit’s liver. It is therefore very important to keep your rabbits away from shavings that contain phenols.


Factors To Consider When Making Your Rabbits Beddings

When making your rabbit’s bedding, there are some factors to consider. They are:

  • It Must Be Absorbent

The beddings of your rabbit must be able to absorb liquids. this is necessary when they litter their beddings with waste from their body. Although rabbits are trained to use their litter boxes to carry out their excreting functions, there are still sometimes certain situations that will predispose them to excrete on their beds. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the beddings are absorbent. Cleaning and replacing dirty bedding becomes easier.

 However, their bedding must not be substituted for their litter boxes. They should have the two. Having the litter box helps your rabbits to understand that their beddings are for sleeping while their litter boxes are for excreting.

  •  Safe From Phenols

As we have earlier discussed, rabbits chew on their beddings, and their beddings must be safe from phenols to keep them out of danger.

  • Free of Dust

Inhalation of dust  by rabbits can cause respiratory problems such as irritation, nasal discharge


Different Kinds Of Beddings Rabbits Can Use

can rabbits eat aspen shavings_ two rabbits and hay bedding

Below are the different types of bedding  that can be used by rabbits

  • Cardboards And Papers

Cardboards and papers are beddings that can be used by rabbits to sleep on. You can buy specialized cardboard and papers designed for your rabbit’s bed, and to save money you can1 use papers and cardboard that you already have at home. Just ensure that they are safe to use by your rabbits. They must be free of ink, pins, and anything that can harm your rabbits. The reason why they are also good is that they are highly absorbent and free of dust. The disadvantage of this form of bedding is that it may be difficult to control odors coming from their waste so they often require regular changes. Cardboards and papers come in different forms. They can be shredded papers and cardboard, compressed papers and cardboard, and paper pellets.

  • Straw Bedding 

Straw bedding is a natural dry plant (including the leaves, stalk, and step and excluding the seeds) like wheat that is used to create a sleeping area for rabbits. It is safe to eat and easily accessible. However, it could be dusty and requires you to change this bedding regularly.

  • Hay

Hay is a green long stalk of numerous kinds of grass that is mostly used in the feeding of rabbits. Hay can be used as bedding for your rabbit. Since rabbits eat hay naturally, using hay as bedding means more food for your rabbits to consume.  It also provides a cozy environment for your rabbits. The only disadvantage is that it might be expensive to keep using hay as you will need to clean it and replace it with another.

  • Aspen Wood Shavings

Aspen wood shavings as earlier discussed are one of the best beddings you can use in making your rabbit’s bed. It is safe, absorbent, and free of odor, dust, phenols, and oils. Therefore, it is highly recommended.

  • Wood Pellets

Wood pellets are made from compressed wood fiber. The compression makes them safe to chew on because when compressing they are passed through heat. Wood pellets can also be used as bedding for rabbits and they are safe to chew on. They are not expensive and are free of dust. This makes them a better option.


Beddings That Are Bad For Your Rabbits

Just as we have said for shavings that are bad for your rabbits to feed on, beddings that are bad for your rabbits to sleep on are cedar and pine beddings. They have a very strong smell, and if inhaled by your rabbits can cause them harm.



Aspen shavings, when chewed by your rabbit are safe for them. If you feed them properly with hay and they chew on their aspen shavings then you shouldn’t expect any disaster. However, if you notice your rabbits are sick after munching on the aspen shavings, it is important to take them to the Vet for appropriate measures. You must also be on the lookout for bedding and litter boxes that are appropriate for your rabbits. If you realize your rabbits inhaled or chewed phenol shavings, you must immediately take them to the Vet before further damage occurs.

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