Do Bunnies Eat Insects?

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Do bunnies eat insects? As obligate herbivorous animals, rabbits are not expected to eat insects. Being herbivores means they prefer plant-based food sources. That said, bunnies constantly come in contact with other species of organisms in their environment. Often times these organisms may end up in a bunny’s mouth and either swallowed or not.

Insects as one of the most abundant organisms on earth, have found a way to be in a bunny’s mouth from time to time. But should bunnies eat an insect? In this write-up, we will examine if insects such as cockroaches, mites, spiders, and bugs have a place in a rabbit’s diet. We will also look further into how eating an insect might affect your rabbit.


Do Rabbits Eat Insects?

Do bunnies eat insects _A group of multicolour pet rabbits eating food and a close up view of a European red wood insect

Do bunnies eat insects? No, bunnies don’t intentionally eat insects as food. Bunnies will very rarely be seen chewing on any insect as food. However, some bugs that feed on the same type of food as the rabbit can get into the rabbit’s mouth by accident. Eating hay, grass, or other plant matter that by chance conceals a bug within the stem or leaves is the most likely scenario in which your rabbit will be found eating an insect. 

As you may already be aware, rabbits are curious animals that want to devour anything they can get their hands on. These might include insects found in plants or food that rabbits consume. Rabbits typically eat grass and vegetables. Insects on these plants may also end up in your bunny’s stomach even though it won’t be on purpose. And you don’t have to panic; your pet won’t be harmed by a single piece of insect.

They can’t get the nutrients they require from insects. Certain insects, though, can provide protein but may also result in health problems when eaten up by rabbits. We can use cockroaches and beetles as examples. But your rabbit can use something other than this food source.


Should I Allow My Bunnies To Eat Insects?

No, do not intentionally let your rabbits eat insects. Rabbits shouldn’t eat bugs, although most of the time, they will generally be uninterested if you offer them. Most insects are so small that your rabbit won’t even notice them. Both giant bugs and those with self-defense abilities have the potential to be harmful to your rabbit so you shouldn’t offer them any.

Consider how your rabbit would normally approach an insect. Your rabbit will protect itself if the bug is considered a threat. Such protection might entail biting the bug and swallowing it. Cockroaches spread disease. Rabbits are not known for having robust immune systems. So when they ingest some of these insects, it can lead to health problems.


What Will Happen If A Rabbit Eats An Insect?

Do bunnies eat insects _An eastern cottontail rabbit in a green grass and eating food and a close up view of a monarch caterpillar eating a leaf

Bunnies are always exposed to insects from time to time. When your rabbits come across an insect, your bunnies would attempt to assault them by eating or biting them because they are so little. If they eventually feed on a very small insect whether intentionally or not, the likely result is that nothing will happen. 

The little insects can easily pass through a rabbit’s delicate digestive system when rabbits eat insects. But your rabbit’s gut will have a hard time digesting larger ones. That might result in a fatal gut obstruction.

You shouldn’t be concerned about negative consequences as long as it’s just one bug and your rabbit doesn’t make it a habit. Even though ingesting a single grasshopper or other bug is unlikely to result in any digestive tract illnesses, it could disturb your rabbit’s sensitive stomach. This is because rabbits have a delicate digestive system. And are very vulnerable to a variety of illnesses in this region.

If your rabbit eats the bug exposed to pesticides or other chemicals, it becomes very dangerous for your bunny. It could lead to severe digestive problems and even the possibility of death exists.

Some insects have toxins that can cause neural problems for your rabbit. Cockroaches are covered in a hard shell. This shell serves as the home of the wings. Beetles also possess the same form as cockroaches. Rabbits have short throats but strong teeth and may suffocate from eating such insects.


What Insects Do Rabbits Eat?

Inadvertently, a rabbit may bite on and possibly ingest any little thing it finds. This might be a microscopic organism like an aphid. Your rabbit might consume something larger if she’s hungry and distracted. An unintentional snack could be a caterpillar on a leaf.

  • Bugs

a rabbit might unintentionally eat bugs. The longest crickets in the world reach lengths of about two inches. That is probably noticeable to a rabbit. Smaller bugs, however, are more prone to accidental ingestion.

  • Ants

Another insect that your rabbit might eat is ants. Ants are found in the grass and underground mounds. Warrens are underground homes for rabbits. Even a pet rabbit has the urge to burrow and dig. Most species of ants are small enough that rabbits can easily have a go at them

If you notice a growing amount of insects in your home, quickly embark on pest control. Make a pest control call. And be sure your rabbit won’t be harmed by any treatments you employ to eliminate an infestation.


What To Do If Your Rabbit Eats An Insect?

Do bunnies eat insects _A brown pet rabbit eating grass and a close up photo of a cricket

If your rabbit eats a bug, we advise intensive monitoring because you can never be sure of the insect’s origin. If your bunny does not show any real sign of harm, there is nothing to worry about. However, if you notice a reaction or think they might have swallowed an insect already sprayed with insecticide, take them to the vet.

We’re not necessarily implying that something might be wrong if your rabbit eats one bug. They’re probably fine. Even though your rabbit swallowing an insect is not an emergency, you must quickly take it to the veterinarian that same day if they shows any sign of illness. This is necessary to be on the safer side.


What Causes Bunnies To Eat Insects?

Since rabbits are not meant to eat insects, there are some situations in which a bunny might consume an insect. These include

  • Accidentally

If insects are in your rabbit’s food, they can unintentionally consume one. Today’s commercial hays are widely available and frequently include some tiny insects.

Hay and pellets may potentially present your rabbits with parasites and bugs. You should only purchase rabbit food from trustworthy manufacturers to prevent these issues.

  • As a form of defense

Bunnies are territorial and may need to fight back when they feel the presence of some insect in their domain. This can cause bunnies to attack the insect by biting and swallowing them. Unneutered rabbits frequently exhibit this aggressive behavior. Due to hormones, unneutered bunnies are frequently violent and territorial.

So, be sure to neuter your rabbit to prevent unwelcome hormonal hostility.


How To Prevent Rabbits From Consuming Insects

Do bunnies eat insects _A close up photo of a black baby rabbit with short tail and a red toxic ant

After learning about their possible dangers, you might wish to prevent your pet from being around bugs. Here are some suggestions to help prevent your bunny from eating insects:

  1. Keep their environment clean

If you let your pet roam the backyard, ensure you keep the garden clean to discourage insects from constantly flying around. Fruits, vegetables, and flowers all draw a wide variety of insects. Ensure every remnant of food is well disposed of after feeding

2. Use repellents

You can use a spray repellent to ward off insects. Insecticides are effective but make sure they don’t affect your rabbits in the process

3. Keep your rabbits filled

Ensure your rabbits are well fed; this would distract them from ingesting something extra. Make sure they have something to chew on since they are compelled to do so constantly, like hay, so they won’t be searching for ants or crickets.

4. Monitor them closely

If you let your bunny out to roam, keep a close eye on them. They might frequently discover bugs in a certain location, such as an anthill.

5. Contact pest management

The likelihood is that some bugs are getting inside your rabbit’s hutch if you have a pest problem. To keep your pet from consuming the insects, a pest control service can help you eliminate them.



As previously said, rabbits are not predatory animals and lack innate urges to eat insects or bugs. As pet owners, you should not allow your rabbits to feed on insects. It is advisable to check all plant material supplied to your rabbit to ensure they are free from insects. Finally, if you think your rabbit may have consumed a dangerous insect, call your local veterinarian immediately and follow their advice. This is crucial to address any digestive risks immediately because rabbits have a delicate digestive system.

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