How Do You Pet A Rabbit At Home?

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Rabbits are affectionate and amiable pets. If you spend time with them and understand their primary body language, they can be great domestic pets. Without a doubt, to live a long, happy and healthy life, they need the affection of their owners. How then do you pet a rabbit at home?

Petting is good for the health of you and your rabbit, as long as the way you do it will not cause stress to your rabbit. Petting your rabbit is a way of expressing love and grooming. As you continue reading this article, you will see how you and your pet bunny can express love to each other. This article will answer some questions, such as:

  • Do rabbits like being petted?
  • Where do rabbits like (and hate ) to be petted?
  • Is it safe to pet a rabbit?
  • How do rabbits show affection to humans?
  • How do humans show affection to rabbits?


Do Rabbits Like Being Petted?

How do you pet a rabbit at home_rabbit in hand

As a matter of fact, most rabbits enjoy being petted .they enjoy not only petting but also massage. Scratch them on top of the head or behind the ears, and they will melt to the floor. With patience and the proper handling, Even timid rabbits or those who had been hurt by human hands can learn to love petting.

More importantly, rabbits have their individual preferences. While some prefer not to be picked up, most allow petting when done in the right way. With this in mind, it is necessary to learn how to pet a rabbit in a way that they can enjoy.

Though rabbits cannot talk to us about how they wish to be petted, they can communicate their feelings through their body language. You just have to be patient and observant. Some points to note are:

  • Only start petting when your rabbit is sitting in a safe place.
  • Slowly approach before petting to avoid startling your rabbit and ask if your rabbit wants to be petted.
  • If your rabbit shifts away from or indicate that he does not want petting at this time, respect these wishes.
  • Look for signs that your rabbit wants to pet, like hopping next to you and bowing its head, sitting on your laps, or bumping your legs.
  • Try to be tender, especially if your rabbit is pretty tiny. Remember that the weight of a single finger might be just sufficient for a small rabbit.
  • Never continue petting if your rabbit is showing signs that it is time to stop.


Where Do Rabbits Like (and Hate ) To Be Petted?

How do you pet a rabbit at home_Brown lop-eared rabbit

Rabbits have two blind spots, directly in front of the nose and behind the head. So always approach your rabbit from above or the side. Make sure it can see your hand before touching it to not startle and find your touch offensive.

Though there are slight differences among all breeds of rabbits, particular body parts are favorite petting spots. And some body parts are a big no-no. Check out some favored places you can pet a rabbit.

  • Head:
  • Nose
  • Back of the neck
  • Cheeks
  • Back

On the other hand, rabbits hate when they are petted in the following body parts :

  • Bottom, around the tail
  • Belly and chest
  • Chin
  • Paws, especially hind legs 

Is It Safe To Pet A Rabbit?

How do you pet a rabbit at home_White rabbit grooming

More often than not a rabbits are docile animals. Also, when they are comfortable around their owners, they will be happy to come up and gently nudge for petting. So under normal circumstances, it is safe to pet a rabbit.

However, there are situations when a rabbit might be aggressive and reject petting. At such times, it might be unsafe to pet the rabbit because it might bite.

Firstly, it might be unsafe to pet a sick rabbit. When in pain, a rabbit might react aggressively to human touch by biting. This could also happen to a scared rabbit. Secondly, when adult rabbits are not neutered, they will become hormonal and territorial and not respond well to touch.

Sometimes though, a healthy, happy rabbit might bite. Rabbits are animals of prey. So most of their behavior stems from the fear of becoming food. They become scared and defensive when they are picked up or restrained, or subject to unpredictable movements. A rabbit that has been roughly handled by humans in the past might also shy away from petting.

If your pet rabbit bites you, you don’t need to panic. Such bites are usually small. Most times, all you need to do is wash the wound with soap and water. Still watch out for signs of infection and seek medical attention immediately if there are any.


How Do Rabbits Show Affection to Humans?

As earlier mentioned, you need to observe and understand your bunny’s body language to know its feelings. Rabbits express love to humans in various ways. The most common examples include:

  • Circling and binkying: when a rabbit dances on the spot or circles around your feet, it is happy to see you.
  • Snuggling: your pet rabbit may show that it is content and delighted with you when it snuggles by your side. It may even doze off in that position.
  • Head-bump: while it may seem weird to you if your pet bunny bumps or buffs its head on you, it is actually a show of affection. It’s rubbing its scent on you to create a positive connection.
  • Nipping: if your rabbit nips you in an attempt to groom you, it’s a big sign of love. Sometimes though, it could be that your rabbit wants your attention.
  • Licking: this is undoubtedly the best sign of affection a rabbit can show a human. If your pet rabbit licks you, then it’s giving you a rare honor. It indicates that you are doing everything right.
  • Tooth clicking: this shows that your rabbit is completely satisfied with you. It means that it loves you and whatever you are doing


How Do Humans Show Affection to Rabbits?

How do you pet a rabbit at home_petting rabbit

Basically, the key to showing affection to rabbits is understanding what makes them happy. If you observe carefully and take the time to treat your rabbits in a way that makes them happy, they will comprehend. Rabbits are much more intelligent than people think. They can understand and return your love.

Some ways that you can show affection to your rabbit are:

Giving treats

you can show your rabbit affection by giving it a favorite snack like fruit or vegetables. This works especially when you keep treat giving to a minimum. That way, treat giving will be a special event. Also, minimizing treats protects rabbit health since too many sugary things are dangerous to them.


Grooming is an indication of affection between rabbits. They will groom each other to keep clean, comfort each other, and only as a way of interaction when they want to express their concerns. When you groom your rabbit, you are telling them the same thing. This is the most direct way to tell your rabbit that you love them


Rabbits like to be petted. When you scratch them happily behind their forehands and ears, they will grunt by grinding their teeth, and when you massage them along their backs, they will blend into the floor. If you keep petting them, some rabbits will even jump on your lap and stay there for several hours.

Generally, young rabbits are very energetic so, they hardly settle down for long for petting. But by the time they are two years, they are calm enough to enjoy petting and even a body massage.

Put yourself at the level of the rabbit

Remember, your bunny spends most of the time exploring. All rabbits see are legs and feet so, express your affection and lower yourself to its level. Lie down or sit on the floor, and it will be easier to connect with it.

Imitate your pet’s behavior

Sometimes the best way to imitate your pet’s behavior is to learn the rabbits’ love language. When they are happy and affectionate, you can replicate their behavior and say I love you in a way that they can understand.

For instance, when your bunny sprawls next to you, it shows you a high degree of trust. It cannot quickly get up in that position, so it will not assume that position if it feels threatened.

You can show your bunny the same trust by deliberately sprawling next to it. It will understand that you see it as a trustworthy friend and understand the love and affection in your actions.


In the final analysis, rabbits are affectionate animals, and they love when their owners pet them. How you pet a rabbit at home is vital to bonding with it. When you understand the body language of rabbits, you will be able to discern what your furry friend is trying to tell you. Eventually, your pet rabbit will become an indispensable part of your family.

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