Is There Bonding With a Pet Rabbit?

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So, how do you bond with your pet rabbit? Well, rabbits are incredibly fun animals to be with them. They are also very hyperactive and social by nature. Rabbits particularly require quality time of play and exercise to keep them lively and in good health. So it’s no strange feat that these fluffy creatures can bond properly with humans given the right conditions.

However, rabbits are also very fragile and sensitive and they get frightened easily. They are some of the most vulnerable animals to predators so they can get suspicious when they feel uncomfortable. Rabbits hop off at the slightest instance; say a loud noise or a person getting overly close to them.

To get the attention of your pet rabbit and build a lasting bond, one must go about it the smart way. It is your job to make your rabbit earn your trust. Before a rabbit can comfortably bond with its owner, it makes sure it doesn’t do that at the expense of its peace and happiness. They always like to express themselves in the freest and most exhilarating way possible.

For this to happen, you will be spending some quality time with your rabbits for them to get used to you. Take time out to play with and understand them. Know what kind of things they like or dislike, and develop a slow, steady friendship from there. It will only be a matter of time before you bond properly with your pet rabbit.

In this article, we are going to be discussing the following:

  • How long does it take to bond with your rabbit?
  • How do I bond with my bunny?
  • Can rabbits bond with humans?
  • Do pet rabbits show affection?

Learn a few of these tricks to develop a strong bond with a pet bunny. Follow along now. Also, check our Youtube video on how to bond with your pet rabbit.

How Long Does it Take to Bond With Your Rabbit?

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Rabbits are social animals that enjoy a lot of leisure time. Once they are quite comfortable, they can play and jump around all day without much stress. Nonetheless, rabbits are also very mistrustful when it comes to how to share their space. No two rabbits can hit it off just the first time you bring them together. They simply would not get along almost immediately and will certainly require some time to get used to each other before they become friends.

The same thing is applicable even with humans. Rabbits take even a longer time to bond with their owners. But this time varies, as rabbits all have different personalities.

Some will certainly require more time than others. You can bond with a rabbit in a fast as 2 weeks while some could take up to three months. Only in very rare instances, would you find a rabbit that will take up to 6 months before it bonds with a human.

So there is generally no rule of thumb when it comes to how long it takes to bond with your rabbit. The most important is to watch and study them to know what works. Experiment with different kinds of activities from game treats, and exercise routines until you find the perfect common ground. But this will require time, dedication, and most importantly, lots of patience on your part to make it work.

How Do I Bond With My Bunny?

Bonding with your pet bunny is not a difficult exercise at all. All you need is the perfect environment, the right activities, and lastly, dedication and patience. As earlier stated, no two rabbits have the same personality. You would be watching out for each one’s unique preferences to strike a proper balance.

Bonding can take weeks if not months, so you will experiment with different approaches to keep the momentum going for any length of time. There are some general bonding routines you can use to build a lasting friendship with your pet bunny. We will discuss 3 of these routines below to get you started:

  1. Get Your Pet Rabbit a Toy

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Toys are one of the best ways to bond with your pet bunny. There are many toys available in pet stores to get for your pet rabbit. Examples are cat balls, pet tunnels, reward toys, etc. Cat balls for instance offer a great opportunity to establish a quick connection with your rabbit.

As you first introduce the ball to your rabbit, allow it to fiddle and play with it for the first few minutes. After it must have gotten used to this new “friend,” you can then play a game of ‘throw and fetch” with your rabbit.

You start by picking the ball up and throwing it some small distance away from you and the rabbit. The rabbit will go after the ball, pick it with its teeth and return it to you. Now, note that this may not happen right away. Some rabbits will simply go and start playing the ball without ever returning it; some may not even attempt to reach for the ball. You will need to repeat it as much as it takes to get the rabbit’s attention.

Once the rabbit gets the fetch right the first time, repeat the throwing routine a few more times until an understanding is reached. Continue to play this game with your rabbit in the coming days until it becomes accustomed to it. In no time, it will start to associate the cat ball with the game of “throw and fetch.”

There are cases where rabbit owners claim that their rabbits even initiate the gameplay. They do this by carrying the ball with their teeth and dropping it at their owner’s feet, indicating an interest that they want to play.

  1. Holding Up A Treat

To get your rabbit’s undivided attention, you can tease them with a treat and make them reach for it. You do this by sitting on the edge of a chair and holding out a piece of its favorite food in the air. Once it spots this, it will run towards you and attempt to reach for the treat. Turn it into a game by making the rabbit reach for the treat in the air.

As it leaps up to get it from your hand, take it up a few inches making it a bit tasking. The rabbit will continue leaping until you eventually let it have it.

Doing this a couple of times a week is a very effective way of getting your rabbit’s attention and ultimately bonding with it.

  1. Entertain Your Rabbit

You may be wondering what things you can do to entertain your pet rabbit. Rabbits can be entertained with anything from basic play routines to jumping exercises. And because they catch up easily, you can improvise with just anything.

Start by bringing them out in the open area, where they can run around freely in the sunlight. Then you can join in the fun by going on your knees to level up with them. But be careful not to invade their space too much or you would scare them away.

Give them some distance and watch how they react to your new posture. Once you can get their attention, play a chase game where you pretend to be getting away from them. A smart rabbit will most likely chase after you.

Repeat this routine as often as possible and it will be a matter of time before you become best friends with your rabbits.

Can Rabbits Bond With Humans?

Rabbits can bond with themselves as well as humans provided they feel safe and comfortable. This however doesn’t happen right away as rabbits have a hard time giving away their trust. You may find two rabbits kissing and in the warm embrace of one other. What will surprise you is just how long it took them to get to that level. This is why it is not advisable to put two newly introduced rabbits together in one cage. They are bound to get aggressive with each other like this.

A similar thing is applicable even with humans. Rabbits don’t like being held or touched almost immediately. You should give them some space to get adjusted to their environment before attempting to get friendly with them. Generally, it only requires some time, effort, and patience on your part and you will eventually bond with your pet bunny. Therefore, YES, you can bond with your pet rabbit and your pet rabbit can bond with you (if there’s any difference between the two…LOL).

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Do Pet Rabbits Show Affection?

Even as sensitive and mistrusting as a rabbit is, they can be very affectionate when they like and are comfortable around you. Rabbits don’t hold back when they show affection. This is why many parents get them for their kids because they are such a bundle of joy to behold.

Rabbits are very fun animals and will engage in an activity they find entertaining including playing with humans. They easily show their emotions when they are happy and will even go as far as approaching you to play with them. There are very smart rabbits that can even play a game of “hide and seek” with their owners. Rabbits also lick and cuddle humans they feel comfortable around. These are just a few ways rabbits show their affection towards humans.

So, this article has exposed you to the several ways you can bond with your pet rabbit. Don’t hesitate to try some of the tips.