Why Rabbits Eat Cat Food?

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Rabbits and Cats are two different home pets with different nutritional requirements. Pet rabbits who live in a household with a pet cat can occasionally want to have a taste of cat food when they are playing outside of their cage. If you live with cats and rabbits, you might want to know why rabbits eat cat food. This post will discuss the benefits of keeping cat food away from rabbits and why rabbits eat cat food. By reading, you will also learn about any risks that can arise when rabbits eat cat food.


Differences Between Cat Food and Rabbit Food

Pet foods designed exclusively for cats are known as cat food, while those formulated specifically for rabbits are rabbit food. The nutritious ingredients that each type of food is made of are a key distinction between cat food and rabbit food. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning their bodies are built to only eat and digest animal-based proteins, which explains why cat food usually contains high protein.

On the other hand, rabbits are herbivores, and their food is expected to majorly contain vegetable materials. A rabbit’s digestive tract is not designed to process protein and fat; consuming excessive amounts of these may cause damage to its kidneys and intestines.

Can You Give Cat Food To A Rabbit?

Why Rabbits Eat Cat Food_ white rabbit sitting on a mattress and bowls of dry cereals

Cat food is bad for rabbits and should not be given to bunnies. If you have a pet rabbit, make sure to avoid feeding it cat food and instead give it a diet made exclusively for rabbits. With that, they will be able to keep fit and avert any potential health issues.

Why Cat Food Is Bad For Rabbits

There are several reasons why cat food is bad for rabbits. First of all, cat food is poor in fiber and rich in fat. A rabbit’s digestive system is not built to break down and digest lipids. Therefore, consuming excessive fat may cause weight gain and obesity, which is one of the most common problems with pet rabbits.

The fact that cat food lacks the proper ratio of nutrients that rabbits require contributes to its unfavorable effects on them. For instance, cat food tends to be low in calcium but high in calories and protein. This unneeded nutritional fact makes cat food dangerous for rabbits.

Finally, poisonous elements to rabbits are frequently found in cat food. For instance, many cat food brands contain onion or garlic powder, which might make rabbits anemic. Thus, this evidence adds to the numerous reasons why rabbits shouldn’t consume cat food.

Can Rabbits Eat Wet Cat Food?

Wet cat food is not suitable for rabbits. Since they are herbivores, rabbits’ digestive systems are not built to process meat. On the other hand, wet cat food is made primarily of animal protein and is intended for carnivorous animals.

Eating wet cat food can easily result in serious gastrointestinal problems for rabbits because it is poor in fiber and high in protein and fat. As a result of consuming primarily hay, rabbits need fiber for proper digestion. Lack of it can swiftly cause diarrhea or gut stasis, a condition where bowel motions slow down or cease entirely and pose a serious health concern.

Can Rabbits Eat Dry Cat Food?

Dry cat food still primarily contains animal protein while typically having lower levels of protein and fat. Since rabbits are herbivores, their digestive systems have evolved to exclusively process high-fiber plant-based foods. Feeding them high-protein dry cat food would result in digestive and kidney difficulties. However dry cat food is less likely to create problems when compared to wet cat food when consumed in minimum amounts. While a few bites of dry cat food won’t hurt your pet rabbit, we strongly advise keeping your cat’s food out of the way. If your rabbit consumes cat food too frequently, it can take the place of some of the crucial nutrients in their diet and result in health problems.


What Happens If a Rabbit Eats Cat Food?

Why Rabbits Eat Cat Food_ Two adult pet rabbits and a bowl of very wet cat food

It is unlikely that your rabbit will suffer any significant consequences if it eats a tiny amount of cat food. However, cat food may result in stomach upset and diarrhea in bunnies if a high amount is ingested.

Keep an eye on your rabbit in case of digestive trouble. A stomach ache should go away in a day or two, but a trip to the vet might be required if the symptoms persist.


Symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Reduced appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Sluggishness

If your rabbit continues to consume cat food in the long run, it can come down with severe problems such as chronic malnutrition, stunted growth, and impaired development. 

How To Prevent Your Rabbit From Eating Cat Food

Your rabbit can still locate food around the house to eat even if you didn’t provide it to them directly. Here are some measures to ensure your bunny doesn’t get access to your cat food.

  • Keep your cat food off the floor

If you live with a cat and a rabbit and occasionally put the cat’s food on the floor so it can eat whenever it wants, the rabbit can access it while outside its cage. Consider storing your cat’s food somewhere only your cat can get, such as a shelf or table, rather than leaving it on the floor. Doing this will stop your rabbit from wandering into the cat’s food bowl. You should also try and feed your different pets at different time schedules.

  • Cleaning up left over after feeding your pets

 Pets can make a mess, especially after eating, due to the possibility of food spills. Ensure thoroughly cleaning up after your cat is eating to prevent your rabbit from accidentally coming across some kibble to chew.

  • Feed your rabbit to satisfaction

How well your rabbits are fed will also play a major role in determining if they will look elsewhere for food. Maintain bunnies’ satisfaction with appropriate meals so they can graze throughout the day and stay full.

Allow bunnies to occasionally try new meals and enjoy treats. This will prevent them from going hungry and getting bored with their diet.


Rabbit Food Recommendations

Because they are herbivores, rabbits should only eat vegetables in their meals. Timothy hay and alfa pellets, offered in pet stores, are two good sources of a balanced diet for pet rabbits. Carrots, celery, broccoli, and tomatoes are additional foods that pet rabbit owners can feed their pets. Some people prefer feeding pet rabbits fresh veggies to providing them with store-bought rabbit food.

Fruit in small portions is also considered a suitable treat for rabbits. Even if your rabbit appears to enjoy cat food, avoid giving it to him, even as a treat; instead, opt for fresh fruit. A rabbit can consume several options of fruits each day, including apricots, apples, bananas, berries, plums, and peaches.


Dangers Involved In Letting Your Rabbits Eat Cat Food

Why Rabbits Eat Cat Food_ A young pet rabbit and a white bowl of wet cat food

Due to their inability to adequately digest the excess calcium, rabbits get infections and kidney stones owing to calcium build-up in their urinary system and kidneys. Other effects of cat food on rabbit health include:

  • Dental problems

While rabbits have teeth for grinding plant matter, cats have teeth to rend animal flesh. Dental disorders can result if a rabbit consumes cat food since their teeth are not adapted for eating flesh. 

  • Obesity

Grains are inherently high in carbohydrates, while cat foods are naturally high in fat. Foods for cats contain a lot of fat and carbohydrates. A diet heavy in fat and carbohydrates causes obesity in rabbits, which in turn causes several health problems.

Obese or overweight rabbits find it difficult to carry out routine tasks and will no longer be able to exercise daily to the recommended levels. Rabbits’ bones will also become incredibly brittle. Carrying more weight will put a strain on their joints over time,

  • Intestinal distress

Dog and cat food can alter a rabbit’s gut flora, even in little quantities. The proteins and fats from animals present in cat food are too difficult for rabbits to digest.

Their digestive enzymes can only break down plant material; they are neither equipped nor built to decompose animal matter. Thus, Intestinal discomfort and, in rare instances, rapid death may result from this.


What Animal Food Can Rabbits Eat?

Why Rabbits Eat Cat Food_ Two cinnamon rabbits and a white plate of cooked brown Thai rice with berries

Rabbits may start feeding on other pet animals, such as cats and dogs, should they come across them in the house. However, you shouldn’t give your rabbit, cat, or dog food. Most cat and dog meals contain a lot of fat, carbs, and protein. While diets heavy in fat and carbohydrates will cause obesity, diets high in protein can damage the kidneys. Rabbits enjoy eating and consume small amounts of nearly everything they can get their hands on.

Ensure your rabbit doesn’t have access to the food you provide your other pets.




Rabbits should not eat cat food due to the sizable differences in nutritional information. Your rabbit won’t die if they consume a modest amount of cat food. However, allowing your rabbits to eat cat food too frequently can result in a variety of health problems. As a rabbit owner, you must take all the necessary steps to prevent rabbits from eating cat food.


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