Why Do Rabbits Fall Over After Mating?

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Rabbits make a distinctive gesture towards the end of their mating ritual. Following the mating, the rabbit falls off. So why do rabbits fall over after mating?

As you read this article until the conclusion, you will understand why this occurs and other concerns associated with rabbit breeding. In addition, you will find answers to the following questions:

  • How long does it take for rabbits to mate?
  • Why do rabbits thump during mating?
  • How do I know if my rabbit is successfully bred?
  • How many times a day can a rabbit mate?

Do Male Rabbits Always Fall After Mating?

Why do rabbits fall over after mating_ white and grey rabbits

When male rabbits fall over after mating, it appears to be an unusual mating activity, yet it is typical in rabbits. Grunting and falling are a sign of successful mating for rabbits, and you can count on them happening every time. It is simply a rabbit’s natural reaction, and it’s almost expected behavior between two mates.

Male Rabbits cannot stay on their feet after mating; thus, they fall off as soon as they disengage. Falling over after mating is a frequent rabbit activity that suggests that a buck (male rabbit) is a healthy mate for female rabbits and (does).

When rabbits are mating, it’s important to remember that each situation will be unique. For example, some male rabbits will fall for a short time and then jump back up, while others will remain down for an extended period.

In general,  male rabbits fall over after mating due to a systematic tensing and relaxing of their muscles. In addition, after copulation, the male is frequently exhausted and passes out. Finally, the rabbit falls off because the animal’s body produces a lot of cortisol (the stress hormone) at the time.

Another reason they fall off is that their front feet cannot grip. As a result, their toes do not curl, so they fall off when they ejaculate.


Why Do Rabbits Thump During Mating?

Why do rabbits fall over after mating_ two rabbits on green grass

Typically, when a rabbit senses danger nearby, it will thump its rear foot on the ground to alert other rabbits. However, thumping might also be a sign of irritation.

At other times, unneutered male rabbits use it to indicate their desire to mate. Males may continue to thump their feet after ejaculation. Still, you know mating is complete when the male throws himself off the female.

Hence, it is safe to conclude that when a rabbit thumps the cage floor a few times during mating, it’s a statement of dominance, territoriality, and excitement.

How Do I Know If My Rabbit is Successfully Bred?

Why do rabbits fall over after mating_ two rabbits on green grass

After successful breeding, the male rabbit grunts and then falls off the female rabbit. Copulation has not occurred unless the grunting and falling have taken place. Thus, once you’ve positioned the two bunnies together, you’ll want to pay attention to confirm.

Although good mating can occur without the buck falling off, most people prefer to see it fall off because it nearly always signifies a successful mating. Besides, there’s a more significant reason for uncertainty if he doesn’t fall off.

Furthermore, it’s pretty challenging for the buck to hit the target if the doe does not lift her hind end for him. So while pregnancy is conceivable without the fall-off, keeping an eye out for the doe’s lift will give you a better indication of how likely it is.

Precautions to ensure successful breeding

The doe must not urinate for at least a half-hour after the mating. Although it rarely occurs, Urinating might cause the sperm to wash away. Therefore, as a precaution, when the breeding occurs, wait for a half-hour before removing the doe from the cage. The doe’s odds of not voiding while in the buck’s enclosure are good. However, she is at the ideal location for re-breeding if she does.

In addition, a buck will occasionally fire and miss. Therefore, although it appears to be successful breeding, the buck will not have struck the mark. As a result, when you separate the doe from the buck, inspect her vent area for sperm, which appears as glossy dampness.

However, if you have even the least suspicion of successful mating,  mark your calendar for Day 28 and put it in a nest box in the doe’s enclosure. Even though it’s aggravating to have an empty nest box later, it’s heartbreaking to lose a litter because the doe had to kindle on the wire.

Reasons for unsuccessful breeding

Here are some of the most prevailing reasons why rabbit breeding doesn’t always go as planned:


Obesity is one of the leading reasons for rabbit infertility. Remove sugary treats from our rabbits’ diet and boost their exercise if they are overweight. Then try again once they’ve lost a little weight.

Hot weather

When the weather is hot, rabbits may forego mating. In addition, hot days might cause male sterility for a short period. So, if you have a successful mating but no pregnancy results and it’s hotter than 85 degrees, the heat could be responsible.

The length of the day

Rabbits, like hens, can be sensitive to the length of the day. So if you only get 12-14 hours of light, try putting some extra light in the rabbitry to see if it helps.

How Long Does It Take For Rabbits To Mate?

Why do rabbits fall over after mating?_ Two rabbits lying together on the ground

Despite their natural need to reproduce, some rabbits will choose to play with one another rather than breed. While the male rabbit is usually interested, the female rabbit isn’t always. To initiate mating, the female rabbit must elevate its hindquarters. If the doe doesn’t, the male rabbit will not be in the proper position to mate.

When you’re ready to breed your rabbits, place the female in the cage with the male and not the other way round. For a while, the two rabbits will most likely run in circles. Then, if the female is willing to be bred, she will lift her tail, after mounting her, the male rabbits fall over after mating. Before you put the doe back in her space, the buck should do this a couple of times.

Mating will occur relatively instantly if a buck is virile and a doe is in ideal heat. In most cases, a single mating is adequate. However, some breeders prefer third breeding. For this reason, they leave the breeding couple alone for a half-hour. During the half-hour the buck and doe are together, third breeding may occur.

Having them mate numerous times can improve litter size and breeding success. Instead of letting them mate three times in a single session, some breed them again an hour later or the next day to secure a mating.

If a female refuses to mate, the keeper should either wait for 3 to 4 days or help mate the female by holding her. Then, the doe should be put back in her enclosure after mating.

It’s not a good idea to leave bucks and does together for long periods unattended. Even if they get along well, they may fight if the doe becomes irritated with the male rabbit. Likewise, if an aggressive buck and a nonreceptive doe are left together without supervision, they may harm each other.

How Many Times a Day Can a Rabbit Mate?

Why do rabbits fall over after mating? _ A couple of rabbits on concrete

Male rabbits can mate multiple times in one day. For instance,  a study shows that rabbits can perform six ejaculations in thirty minutes. Furthermore, the first ejaculation occurred 19 seconds after they were presented with the doe. Thus, male rabbits can fertilize many females in a short amount of time.

Young bucks can begin breeding as early as 5 or 6 months, but they should gradually start mating. However, each male should undertake no more than one mating per day, as the second ejaculation often contains significantly more sperm.

Mature bucks can engage in breeding daily for a long time without impacting their fertility. However, if they have served multiple does in a day or two, they should be given a few days off before mating again.



Why do rabbits fall over after mating? In summary, muscle relaxation, a weak front paw grip, and a feeling of satisfaction cause the rabbit to slide off after mating. Also, although it looks odd, falling over indicates successful mating. It would help if you weren’t troubled because this is typical rabbit behavior. Instead, make sure they’re healthy and injury-free before you start preparing them for mating.

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