What Do Bunnies Like To Sleep On?

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Raising rabbits can be a fun and exciting experience, but it can also be tedious and strength draining. Rabbits are delicate pets that require a lot of care. In caring for them, you need to pay special attention to what they sleep on. You might need to ask more experienced people “what do bunnies like to sleep on?” Finding the answer to a question like this will let you offer the best care to your bunny.

When building a rabbit’s hutch, it might be easy to overlook things like bedding for the rabbit, but having bedding in mind for your rabbit shows that you care for it. In addition, it shows that you are interested in making your rabbit safe, warm, and comfortable.

You have to keep in mind that rabbits eat their bedding once in a while. This knowledge should also guide your choice of bedding.

So What Exactly Do They Like?

What do pet rabbits like to sleep on? Pet rabbits have been found to enjoy and sleep on Aspen shreds, specialist litter or pellets, shredded paper, and hay. They could also sleep on cardboard or wood.

Observing the materials and your rabbit’s reaction to them could be your best bet for selecting the perfect bedding for your rabbit.

When you want to buy or make bedding for your rabbit, you have to look beyond the price alone and focus on what would most satisfy your rabbit’s needs. Depending on the type of bedding you buy, you need to change your rabbit’s bedding frequently. The number of rabbits you have will also play a massive role in deciding what sort of bedding you need to buy.

We would address the following in this article related to what pet rabbits like to sleep on.

  1. What do indoor bunnies sleep on?
  2. What bedding is best for rabbits?
  3. Do indoor rabbits need bedding?
  4. Is it OK to put a blanket in a rabbit cage?


What Do Indoor Bunnies Sleep On?

What do pet rabbits like to sleep on_sleeping rabbit

Before answering the question, what do pet rabbits like to sleep on? It is important to note that rabbits were domesticated. They lived in the wild and fended for themselves. They had caves, and in these, they had their sleeping quarters.

Typically wild rabbits love to sleep in cool areas, which helps cool their temperature in hot weather. They often also fill their sleeping areas with hay or grass to keep warm during winter.

Indoor rabbits also tend to sleep in cool areas. Their sleeping nature is quite similar to that of wild rabbits. Still, they mainly differ in the area of enjoying comfort. Your rabbit might be caught sleeping on your cold kitchen tiles once in a while. Still, they ultimately prefer soft and comfortable bedding options.


Does My Rabbit Need a Bedroom?

This is not a necessity, but it goes a long way in making your bunny’s life a lot easier. When you separate the playing area from the sleeping area, rabbits feel safer. The bedroom will contain their bedding which gives an atmosphere of warmth and quietness. Moreover, they are less likely to pee or poo on their bedding.

All you need to do is make distinctions in their hutch and put their bedding in the bedroom. You can use a cardboard box. Apart from being perfect for your rabbit, rabbit bedrooms sound cool, right?


Bedding Options For Your Bunnies

  • Hay

Most bunnies find it easy to sleep on hay. Hay is, however, not the best choice of bedding for them. This is because hay is one of the primary foods that bunnies eat. Making bedding out of it may confuse them.

It also means they will end up overeating food. Still, it is a safe choice since your pets will not get poisoned from occasionally chewing it.

  • An Old Towel

We all have that old towel no one really uses anymore. Rather than spending money on new bedding, you can easily convert that old towel into comfortable bedding for your bunny. You have to ensure your rabbit does not chew through the material and choke on it.

  • Aspen Flakes

In addition to being soft and absorbent, aspen flakes also have a pleasant smell. If your bunny is incontinent, this bedding may help to prevent accidents at night.

  • Shredded Paper

You can use standard shredded paper to make beddings for your rabbits. Make sure that it is plain paper as this is safer. By using plain paper, you effectively eliminate any chances of your rabbit eating toxic ink from newspapers.

  • Cellulose

It is an inexpensive, readily available material that is popular with all small animals.

  • Rabbit Litter

A unique rabbit litter would be a good fit for your bunny’s bed. There is a possibility that your pets will be confused. Using a better material in a bunny’s litter tray will reduce the bunny’s confusion.

  • Pellets

Bed bedding pellets can easily be purchased for rabbits. It is best to use these sparingly since they are expensive. Several of the options touched above can be mixed with them.


Bedding To Be Avoided

Some types of bedding should be avoided when picking bedding for your rabbit. These beddings could either be harmful to the rabbit or just inconvenient for your rabbit.

These include:

  • Newspapers
  • Dust
  • Cat litter
  • Pine and cedar shavings.

Rabbits are curious creatures. In addition, they often chew anything in their path, especially their bedding. While you may not prevent this totally, you must keep potentially harmful substances away from them. Any of the items mentioned above could cause fatal health issues if ingested by your pet. So, you should use non-toxic materials for your bedding.


What Bedding is Best For Rabbits?

What do pet rabbits like to sleep on_rabbit bedding

When raising rabbits, you may not have the luxury of a ‘one size fits all situation. Some rabbits would require a lot of care and attention, while others just need good food and a warm bed. You have to consider the age, health condition, and preferences of each rabbit. These would inform your choice of bedding.


How To Choose Bedding For Your Rabbit

Consider these factors when picking bedding for your furry friend.

  • Safety

Every bedding is a chew toy in rabbit land. You are responsible for making sure the materials from the bed will not harm them.

  • Texture

Anything soft is what pet rabbits like to sleep on. So, you should make sure that the bed is soft and cozy.

  • Uniqueness

If you have more than one rabbit, then each bedding must be different. Identical bedding will confuse your pets, and they may fight over their spaces. Once each rabbit takes to particular bedding, they will stick to it without trouble.

  • Mobility

Rabbits take their comfort seriously, so you should know that they will adjust your arrangement to suit themselves. You should make sure that they can move the bedding quickly. This way, they will sleep better.

  • Quality

Any bedding you choose must be designed to be durable and absorbent. This is because rabbits are very playful, and weak bedding will be destroyed in no time. In addition, spongy beds will keep the occasional urine or poop.

Do Indoor Rabbits Need Bedding?

What do pet rabbits like to sleep on_rabbit indoor bedding

Yes, indoor rabbits need bedding. Whether your rabbit lives indoors or outdoors, you need to make it as comfortable as it can be. Giving your indoor rabbit good bedding will make its hutch feel like a proper home.

Among other things, bedding makes rabbits feel safe and snug. It also gives a sense of personal ownership which is vital for confidence. You must not forget that rabbits are skittish and can become nervous quickly. So it is to their benefit and yours if they are as comfortable as they can be.


Is It OK To Put a Blanket in a Rabbit Cage?

Pet rabbits like comfortable and delicate items. So, it is perfectly OK to put a blanket in your rabbit’s cage. Here are some tips to bear in mind.

  • Lay the blanket on the floor

This is the best position to put a blanket or a towel for your pet. It can snuggle in it and stay warm whenever it needs to. You must not cover the cage in a manner that blocks good ventilation.

  • Do not wrap up your bunnies

Your bunnies will move their blanket to any position of their choice. So, you don’t have to worry about them not using it. Wrapping them up is not a great idea because they can become suffocated or too hot.

  • Do not use ragged blankets

It’s OK to use one of your old blankets as long as it is still in good condition. Do not use an old blanket if it is torn or if it has too many loose threads. The loose threads can injure their paws or other parts of their body.

  • Ensure that the blanket is frequently washed

You can be sure that there will be one bathroom accident or the other. So, you must be prepared to keep your rabbit’s blanket as hygienic as possible. Remember that your pets are likely to chew this blanket as well.

If they constantly put such dirty fabric in their mouths, they may develop an illness or infection. So, you should wash their towel frequently and keep it dry.

So, there they are – the answers to some of the questions that will let you know how to take good care of your pet rabbits so that they can have a nice place to sleep and rest. Hopefully, the tips in this article will help you greatly in keeping your rabbit healthy.

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