How Long Can A Rabbit Go Without Food?

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Caring for rabbits requires tremendous commitment. No wonder bunny owners often ask, how long can a rabbit go without food? This becomes significant when a rabbit refuses to eat, or its owner is away for an extended period.

To obtain answers to the questions above, read this article all the way through. Additionally, you’ll learn how to aid your pet’s recovery from dehydration, including:

  • How Many Hours Can A Rabbit Survive Without Food?
  • How Long Can A Rabbit Survive Without Pellets?
  • How Frequently Should You Feed Your Rabbit?
  • How To Provide Food For The Rabbit When You Are Away


How Many Hours Can A Rabbit Survive Without Food?

How long can a rabbit go without food_ A rabbit eating carrot

Age, weight, health, and diet are just a few variables that determine a rabbit’s ability to survive lengthy periods without feeding. A healthy adult rabbit might last until the third or fourth day. In comparison, a kit or senior underweight rabbit might barely survive for a short while after 12 hours.

Because they are grazers, rabbits don’t have a set mealtime. Instead, they eat continuously all day long. Water and food must be available all the time for rabbits. Additionally, they should be eating most of the time they are awake, with brief breaks permitted occasionally, for play and exercise

When a rabbit eats continuously, food flows freely in its digestive tract, causing the animal to eliminate waste properly. A potentially fatal disease called Gastrointestinal (GI) Stasis is most likely to develop in rabbits if they go even 12 hours without eating.

GI slows down the digestive system of a rabbit. As a result of the stomach becoming dehydrated and having difficulty passing food, the system becomes slower, leading to a buildup of bacteria and gas production.

A rabbit’s digestive tract slows down as a result of GI Stasis. A slow digestive system dehydrates the stomach and makes it more difficult for food to pass through. This leads to an accumulation of bacteria, which causes gas.

Typically, rabbits have discomfort from GI stasis in certain mild situations, and It can be resolved if treated right away. However, it can develop into a life-threatening and agonizing condition in more extreme cases.

GI Stasis need not develop in your pet rabbit with the right food and feeding plan. Many owners avoid it and maintain a healthy digestive system for their rabbits.

How Long Can A Rabbit Survive Without Pellets?

So long as they have access to hay and water, rabbits may survive for a few days without eating pellets. However, avoid depriving them of food for longer than a few days as they will start to lose weight and maybe get sick.

An adult rabbit’s diet should include pellets because they supply the most nutrients. When necessary, vegetables can fill this gap; however, they shouldn’t constitute most of their diet. Fruit can also be fed to a rabbit, although it is not required because too much can cause obesity and other health issues.

How Frequently Should You Feed Your Rabbit?

Rabbits never go without food. Generally, rabbits should always be given hay and have unrestricted access to fresh water. Always presume that your rabbit won’t be able to survive more than 12 hours without feeding to be on the safe side. You should speak with your veterinarian if you’re ever unclear about how much or how frequently your rabbit should eat.

Your rabbit needs a balanced meal of premium hay, leafy vegetables, and pellets daily. Rabbits also require unrestricted access to pure water. Depending on their size, they need to eat between 12 and 2 cups of food each day. For rabbits to stay healthy and content, they must consume enough nutrition.

Stress, illness, a lack of appetite, or dental issues are just a few of the many causes for a rabbit to stop eating. Take your bunny to the vet straight away if they suddenly stop eating or seem to be losing weight. A successful outcome depends on early diagnosis and treatment.

How To Provide Food For The Rabbit When You Are Away

Giving your rabbit access to hay, pellets, and water while you are gone should be sufficient to keep them occupied until you return. A large water bottle can last a day or longer, and rabbit feeders can carry a good amount of food.

As an alternative, think about investing in an automatic feeding device that keeps them fed all day. Then, you will not need to be concerned about your rabbit going without food or drink while you are away.

Make sure to find a dependable friend or relative who can look after your rabbit if you are on vacation but cannot bring it. Consider boarding your pet if you can’t find someone to watch them.

There are numerous trustworthy boarding houses that will take care of rabbits. If you have to board your rabbit, check that the facility has experience caring and feeding for rabbits.


How Long Can A Rabbit Go Without Water?

How long can a rabbit go without food_ A rabbit with an apple

One day (24 hours) is the maximum amount of time a rabbit can go without drinking. This time frame is significantly shorter in hot weather. The significance of water for your pet cannot be overstated. Without it, your pet can die.

A rabbit drinking little but not enough water is not quite in danger like one not drinking at all for 24 hours. A rabbit that doesn’t consume enough water will become dehydrated. If your pet is reluctant to drink, figure out why and take appropriate measures before it starts to get sick.

Most likely, your rabbit will drink less water throughout the colder months. Rest assured, drinking less is quite normal. Your pet is safe if it continues to drink at least some water. Wintertime, however, does not affect the 24-hour rule in any way. Even though it is freezing outside, rabbits still need water to prevent dehydration.

What Amount Of Water Do Rabbits Consume Every Day?

A rabbit’s age, size, weight, activity level, and food all affect how much water it consumes. A typical, healthy rabbit should drink about 10% of its body weight in water.

If a rabbit lives solely on dry hay and pellets, it will need more water. On the other hand, if your rabbit likes leafy greens, it will get some dietary hydration from them. Also, for your rabbit’s safety, always top off and replace its water supply frequently.

Why Would A Rabbit Not Drink Water?

It’s unusual for a rabbit to refuse to drink water. A rabbit could refuse to drink for a variety of reasons. Here are some of them:

  • Rabbits are picky creatures. So if the water smells or tastes strange, a rabbit wouldn’t drink it.
  • Rabbits enjoy the water that is at the same temperature as the surroundings. Your pet will probably refuse water if it is too cold or hot.
  • Rabbits with dental problems find drinking water difficult because eating and drinking worsen dental pain.
  • A rabbit might feel hydrated if it eats plenty of leafy vegetables.
  • Your rabbit might be ill. Rabbits reject food and drink due to a wide variety of ailments.
  • The rabbit might have access to another water source

How Can You Tell If A Rabbit Is Dehydrated?

How long can a rabbit go without food_A lopeared rabbit

Dehydration is the most evident and dangerous consequence of a rabbit not drinking water. Thus, You should be aware of the symptoms of this condition. Rabbit signs of Dehydration include:

  • Disorientation and sluggishness.
  • Tight skin.
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dry nose and tongue
  • Foul-smelling dark urine.
  • Increased heart rate

Immediately take your rabbit to the doctor if you observe any of these symptoms. Dehydration is potentially deadly.

How Can I Rehydrate A Rabbit?

Rabbits can die from dehydration, and young, aged, or weak ones are particularly vulnerable. Your pet needs rehydration right away if you think it might be dehydrated. To accomplish this task, you might need a veterinarian’s assistance.

In addition, don’t merely offer a sizable bowl of water and consider your job done. The issue won’t be solved even if your pet drinks this water. Rehydration must go gradually and steadily. The best treatments are intravenous fluids and syringe feeding.

If you wish to try rehydrating your pet with a syringe, get one from a pet store. Place the water-filled needle in the corner of the bunny’s mouth. Release tiny, measured bursts of water, then let your pet swallow and relax.

Visit a veterinarian if your rabbit is still hesitant to drink or has trouble swallowing. Your pet will require intravenous fluids. Ensure it gets prompt attention because the problem will likely be urgent at this point.


How long can a rabbit go without food? A healthy adult rabbit can survive up to four days without food and 24 hours without water. Undoubtedly, healthy eating and consistent hydration are essential for the well-being of rabbits. In addition, find someone who can take care of your rabbit if you are going on vacation but can’t bring it with you.

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