Can Rabbits Eat Nasturtiums?

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All parts of the Nasturtium (Tropaeolum spp.) plant, including its brightly colored blooms, are edible. The delicate petals and lily-pad-shaped leaves make them a delight to behold. This flower’s vibrant color and heady aroma make it a must-have for any summer salad. In any case, can rabbits eat nasturtiums?

Even though rabbits enjoy eating flowers, some flowers and plants are dangerous for them. So, as a pet owner, you should always ensure that you provide your rabbit with safe food. With the help of this article, you may learn how to add nasturtiums to your pet’s diet.


Would Rabbits Intentionally Eat Nasturtiums?

Can Rabbits Eat Nasturtiums_ A pet rabbit and a yellow nasturtium flower petal

The bright blossoms of the nasturtium are both beautiful and edible. So, nasturtiums are a plant that rabbits will cheerfully eat. Like many other animals, Rabbits are fascinated by the brightly colored petals of nasturtiums. As herbivorous creatures, rabbits seize every opportunity to sample new plants and flowers that may bloom in a garden.

It’s hardly surprising that rabbits like nasturtiums because they eat a wide range of flowers and leafy vegetables. Rabbits love nasturtiums because they are both a healthy snack and a delightful pleasure. What’s more, plant is a good source of vitamins and minerals. Thus, nasturtiums are a terrific choice if you want to give your bunny a little something extra to supplement its diet.

While rabbits will consume practically anything to survive, several plants appeal to rabbits under normal settings. Some plants are so irresistible to rabbits that planting them is tantamount to encouraging the creatures to set up housekeeping in your yard. One such plant is the nasturtium.

However, there’s no need to be anxious if your bunny dislikes nasturtiums. Your bunny can choose from a wide variety of safe flowering plants. Flowers such as the rose, daisy, and sunflower are also common rabbit favorites. Just ensure your rabbit gets the best nutrition possible for its health and happiness.

Health Benefits of Nasturtiums for Rabbits

Nasturtiums are an excellent option for your rabbit’s diet for several reasons. They benefit their health in many ways and are also safe to eat. The following are just a few of the numerous health advantages that nasturtiums provide to rabbits:

Excellent Source of Vitamin C

Rabbits’ immune systems can benefit from vitamin C. It can aid in the defense against illness and infection. Keeping your rabbit healthy and free from respiratory diseases like snuffles requires a diet rich in vitamin C.

Abundant in antioxidants

Nasturtiums contain a lot of antioxidants. For the body to combat free radicals, antioxidants are crucial. Free radicals are potentially dangerous chemicals linked to cancer and other disorders. Eating meals high in antioxidants can help protect a rabbit’s body from free radicals.

Aid in better digestion

Since their digestive systems are so delicate, rabbits occasionally deal with issues like diarrhea. Nasturtiums provide the fiber that helps to bulk up rabbit poop, making it more manageable for the rabbit to pass. In addition to aiding digestion, the probiotics included in these plants can help maintain a healthy balance of beneficial and harmful bacteria in the digestive tract.

High mineral content

The mineral content in nasturtiums, which includes potassium and magnesium, aids in maintaining a steady internal body temperature in rabbits. Plus, calcium safeguards the teeth and bones of rabbits.

How To Prepare Nasturtiums For Your Rabbit

Nasturtiums are a terrific choice if you’re searching for a way to give your rabbit’s diet little more nourishment. Nasturtiums should be incorporated gradually into your rabbit’s diet, like any other new food, to prevent stomach distress. Start small and gradually increase it as necessary.

Also, always use fresh nasturtiums if you decide to feed them to your rabbit. Additionally, you should wash it thoroughly with clean water to remove any surface grime or chemicals. You may cut them into smaller pieces to make them more manageable for your rabbit.

Additionally, when determining how much nasturtium to give your rabbit, you should consider their age, weight, and general health. Before making any extensive dietary changes to your rabbit, it is usually best to get approval from their vet. They can tailor their recommendations to your rabbit’s unique circumstances.

While nasturtiums are typically healthy for rabbits to eat, your rabbit may be allergic to them. Seek immediate medical treatment if your rabbit has any symptoms of an allergic reaction, including but not limited to swelling, difficulty breathing, or diarrhea.

Finally, if your rabbit enjoys eating nasturtiums, you might want to plant some so that you always have a supply on hand. Since nasturtiums are so simple to cultivate, many homeowners choose to plant them in their yards. Besides, bright, vivid flowers like nasturtiums look lovely in any garden.

Are Nasturtiums Poisonous To Rabbits?

Can Rabbits Eat Nasturtiums_ Two rabbits and nasturtiums

Among the most common flowers, nasturtiums are entirely suitable for rabbit consumption. Rabbits can benefit much from eating nasturtiums, even though some flowers and plants are quite poisonous to them. All domesticated and wild rabbits can safely eat these flowers, which are grown widely worldwide.

A rabbit may eat any part of the plant, including the flowers, leaves, stems, and seeds. Besides, humans have been eating nasturtiums for centuries because they are so delicious. If your rabbit manages to get to the nasturtiums in your backyard, don’t worry; they’re perfectly safe for them to nibble on.

Are All Types of Nasturtiums Safe For Rabbits?

Although Tropaeolum majus is the nasturtium species most familiar to gardeners, the plant comes in various colors and sizes. Remarkably, all variants of nasturtiums are edible and, therefore, safe for rabbits to eat.

Nasturtiums tend to grow as bushes, but they can also twine their way around a fence or wire. The most well-known nasturtium variety often grows in gardens. While these nasturtiums grow upright, there are other trailing and shrub varieties. Nasturtiums are lovely because they are all edible plants that bunnies can safely eat.

Signs of Poisoning in Rabbits

For the most part, there are a wide variety of plants that rabbits cannot safely eat. Pet rabbits shouldn’t eat just any flowers or plants they find, as some are poisonous. Outdoor grazing rabbits, in particular, are at risk of ingesting toxic plants. However, contact your veterinarian immediately if you suspect poisoning in your rabbit. Signs of poisoning in rabbits include:

  • Weakness
  • Abdominal tenderness
  • Listlessness
  • Diarrhea
  • Seizure
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Lack of appetite
  • Hunched posture
  • Difficult or labored breathing

Do Nasturtiums Repel Rabbits?

Can Rabbits Eat Nasturtiums_ A white rabbit and red nasturtium flower petal

Some gardeners believe nasturtiums can repel rabbits from the garden because of the plant’s fragrance. However, nasturtiums are not a reliable rabbit deterrent, as rabbits adore them, and the plant is not poisonous. So, if you grow nasturtiums, expect your bunnies to try to eat them.

Nasturtiums, on the other hand, make a great companion plant for crops like strawberries. Herbs, flowers, and vegetables known as companion plants help your primary garden produce thrive more effectively. Companion plants are known to lessen pest pressure and maintain the health of your crops. Nasturtiums might therefore serve as a trap crop to entice pests like flies or rabbits away from your crops.

Undoubtedly, rabbits have a sharp sense of smell, which they employ to locate readily available food sources. This attribute can be used to your advantage if you use scents rabbits don’t like to repel them from the garden. Effective rabbit repellent includes garlic, vinegar, chili pepper, predator urine, blood meal, chives, lavender, and wax begonias.

Is There A Risk Of Overfeeding Nasturtiums To Rabbits?

Can Rabbits Eat Nasturtiums_ A pet rabbit and yellow nasturtium flower

If given a chance, rabbits will devour nasturtiums like any other leafy green. This necessitates constant care on the part of the rabbit’s owner to prevent the pet from overindulging.

A rabbit’s diet should include nasturtium leaves because they are highly nutritious. Although nasturtium is safe for rabbits to consume daily, it should not make up a rabbit’s whole diet. Rabbits require a balanced and healthy diet.

While a bouquet of nasturtiums can make a great treat for your rabbit, you shouldn’t let it chow down on them because they don’t have as much fiber as hay. Consuming copious amounts of hay daily is essential for maintaining a rabbit’s digestive and dental health. Also, rabbits might ruin their appetite for hay if they stuff themselves with nasturtiums and other flowers.

Indeed, the digestive tracts of rabbits are quite delicate. Overfeeding can result in weight gain and digestive issues, which increase the risk of death from other causes. Most rabbits do best on a diet that consists of 80 % grass hay, such as timothy, orchard, or meadow hay. Fresh fruit, vegetables, and pellets should make up the rest of the diet.

Rabbits need access to fresh vegetables at all times, but these foods(including nasturtiums) shouldn’t make up more than 15% of their diet. Hay and grass are the bulk of a rabbit’s diet. Thus, It’s best to limit your rabbit’s daily intake of nasturtium leaves, even though they’re a delightful and nutrient-dense green vegetable.


Can Rabbits Eat Nasturtiums? Nasturtiums are tasty,nutrient-rich flowers that rabbits can eat. The entire plant—flowers, leaves, stems, and even seeds—is acceptable for rabbit eating. Although rabbits can consume nasturtiums regularly, hay should still be a mainstay of their diet.

In addition, it would be best if you didn’t rely on nasturtiums in your yard to keep rabbits away. Use alternative, more trustworthy techniques instead.

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