Most bunny owners go all out to make sure their pet bunnies are safe and free from harm. One of the ways to ensure this is to monitor what rabbits eat and how these foods affect them. I am happy to have you here if you also fall under this category of pet owners.
Regarding herbs and vegetables, catnips are one of the garden plants bunnies occasionally eat. In this article, all your inquiries, like, what are catnips? Can rabbits eat catnips? Do rabbits like to eat catnips? Are catnips safe for rabbits? and other questions will be answered. Stick around to learn how catnips affect your rabbits.
What are catnips?
Catnip (Nepeta Cataria) is known as catmint, catwort, or field balm. Catnip is a small grey-to-greenish heart-shaped leaf with an oval tooth with lavender flowers. It is a perennial herb that belongs to the mint family and is native to Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, and some parts of China.
Cats are very fond of this plant. Two-thirds of Cats are attracted to them, which is why it is called catnip. Catnips contain a compound known as nepetalactone which causes the release of happy hormones in cats. The release of this hormone causes a soothing effect that helps the cat to relax, express contentment, wiggle, and leap playfully. However, our primary focus is not on cats but on rabbits, which is why we will examine whether rabbits can eat catnips.
Can rabbits eat catnips?
The answer to this question is yes. Rabbits can eat Catnips. This does not mean that it should be given to them as primary food. Catnips can serve as a treat for rabbits. However, as they do with most other aromatic herbs, rabbits don’t like its mild scent and will tend to avoid it. It is entirely okay if your rabbit eats catnip, and it is still not a problem if they don’t.
Can Rabbits Eat Catnip Branches or Leaves?

Rabbits can safely eat any component of the catnip plant. Leaves, branches, and flowers are safe for bunnies. Rabbits can occasionally chew on the leaves and branches, while some bunnies prefer to chew on the leaves alone.
Do Rabbits Love To Eat Catnips?
A large number of rabbits are indifferent to catnips. Even wild rabbits don’t particularly enjoy the scent of catnip, which is true of most bunnies. Usually, they don’t interfere with the plant when they come across it.
The catnip’s active component can help agitated or anxious rabbits who like a bit of catnip relax. If you want to give your rabbits catnip as a treat, you can cultivate it in your home. You can get catnip seeds and grow them indoors or outdoors based on your preferences. Rest assured that the catnip is safe for your cat and your rabbit.
Is Catnip Safe For Rabbits?
Catnip is safe and non-toxic for rabbits to eat. It also helps them to feel relaxed. Even though its effect does not last like that of cats, it still helps to soothe them notwithstanding. You must, however, ensure that it is given in small quantities. If given in large quantities, it may cause abdominal disorders. You should also watch out for oversensitivity in your rabbits. This is because it can irritate their nose.
Nonetheless, with the right monitoring, it is safe for your rabbits to eat. Catnip is safe because it does not contain any poisonous substance. Just be sure to keep them to a minimum and never feed them hay in place of it. Make sure your rabbit is old enough to consume plants like catnip. Feed them only to rabbits that are at least 12 weeks old.
What Quantity of Catnip Should Rabbits Eat?
If you are introducing your rabbits to catnips, ensure you give them in tiny quantities. Do not rush them at all. You can offer them 2-3 leaves per serving, 2-4 times a week. Watch them eat and observe for any reaction.
You only need to provide them with a single meal and then watch. If you see any negative impacts on their health, immediately cease the feeding process and consult a veterinarian. You can progressively add a little extra each time you’re confident that the meal won’t negatively impact your pet. Always keep an eye on their faces to ensure your bunnies’ strong and healthy well-being.
Can Rabbits Have Dried Catnip?
No, rabbits cannot consume dry catnip. Dry catnip may harm your bunny’s health, especially if it is becoming decayed. It could cause your rabbit digestive issues, including diarrhea and stomach aches.
If you want to give catnip to rabbits, start with little doses of the plant. You can then increase the amount of catmint you give your rabbit gradually. Additionally, dried catnip is potent and has a distinctive flavor. Rabbits might be unable to process this information all at once. Your pet will experience anxiety and perhaps misbehave.
Can Rabbits Get Addicted To Catnips?

The short answer is no. Due to catnip’s impact on cats and bunnies, many owners are concerned that their pets would become hooked. Catnip is completely safe for rabbits to consume and has no addictive properties. Some people think that because catnip makes cats crazy, it will also make bunnies crazy. The opposite is true, as you can see! Rabbits oppositely respond to catnip. It calms them down and may even induce sleep.
Catnip Risks for Rabbits?
Although catnip is a healthy and non-toxic herb, giving your rabbit too much can harm their health. Similarly, giving your rabbit too much of any food aside from hay can cause them health issues such as:
If your rabbit overfeeds too much catnip, it would not be able to get the nutrient it requires and can experience several health issues. Overfeeding rabbits with catnip or any other type of leafy green might result in diarrhea. watery feces, appetite loss, and lethargy can all result from too much catnip. As a result, it’s crucial to add new foods to your rabbit’s diet gradually and in tiny amounts.
GI Stasis
Overfeeding your rabbit with catnip instead of hay may result in gastrointestinal stasis. Additionally, a poor fiber diet for your rabbit may contribute to this illness. To prevent GI problems, a rabbit’s diet must have a lot of fiber.
Unconsumed Cecotropes
This is also known as soft poop. It is the result of an imbalanced die in rabbits. When a rabbit consumes a lot of vegetables and does not eat enough hay. Cecotropes may become softer as a result of the lack of fiber. Giving dried catnips to your rabbit could also worsen the situation.
What Are The Health Benefits of Catnips to Rabbits?
Any leafy greens and veggies are always a good provider of adequate nutrients. However, you must be sure that it lacks any dangerous elements. Eating catnip has a lot of positive health effects for rabbits. It has a lot of medicinal properties and helps to calm them down.
Catnip can serve as a delicious mint snack. It can also serve as an alternative treatment when added to the regular diet if your bunny likes to nibble on mints. Catmints might smell terrible. But after giving one a try, you’ll see how much your pets enjoy them.
Does Catnip Affect Rabbits?

Catmint does not affect rabbits when grown in the same environment. Although the plant mostly attracts cats due to the presence of nepetalactone, a feline attractant. The presence of catnip’s leaves, branches, and flowers around, does not hurt bunnies.
Give your bunny catmint in tiny doses if it enjoys it. Chop it up and add it to their veggie mixture as a substitute. It has been demonstrated that catnip elevates mood while lowering restlessness, unease, and anxiety. Additionally, it has nutrients that are good for rabbits.
Catnips Alternatives For Rabbits?
Catnip is a safe herb, but you may also throw some other nutritious greens and vegetables into your rabbit’s diet. Catnip substitutes include the following:
- Basil
- Spinach
- Carrot
- Green peppers
- Watermelon
- Raspberry leaf
Can Bunnies Play With Catnip Toys?
Because catnip is a member of the mint family and mint is safe to eat, you can offer catnip toys to your rabbit. Some rabbits also like to play with catnip toys on their own. However, some catnip toy materials can harm your rabbit since they may contain minute dried catnip particles that can cause harm if ingested by the animal.
As a result, if you buy a catnip toy for your rabbit, make sure it is solid and non-addictive so that they can’t gnaw on the pieces, which could lead to choking and internal blockages.
You can give catnip to your rabbits. As long as you check to monitor how your bunnies react to them, green leaves are okay for rabbits to consume. The secret to a healthy rabbit is to serve a variety of fruits and vegetables in moderation. With this, you can be confident that your bunnies are provided with the required nutrients. The next time your rabbit gets a chance to eat catnip, do not worry too much. It is safe!