Can Rabbits Eat Cantaloupe Melon?

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Rabbits are natural herbivores meaning their diet is purely made up of plants. Despite that, not all plants are for rabbit consumption. Some are capable of causing great harm to your rabbit, even killing it in extreme cases. Does Cantaloupe Melon fall under such a category? Can Rabbits eat Cantaloupe Melon? Find out in this article as you read on. Below are some subtopics that will be thoroughly examined:

  • Do rabbits like to eat cantaloupe?
  • How much cantaloupe can rabbits eat, and how frequently should they eat it?
  • What is the appropriate age for feeding Cantaloupe Melon to Bunnies?
  • What are the pros of feeding Cantaloupe Melon to your rabbit?
  • Why should You not exceed the feeding limit of Cantaloupe Melon?
  • What diseases are associated with eating too much Cantaloupe Melon?
  • Can rabbits eat cantaloupe rinds?
  • Can bunnies eat cantaloupe seeds?
  • Are there any alternatives to Cantaloupe Melon?

Do Rabbits Like To Eat Cantaloupe?

Cantaloupe Melon which also goes by the names Rock Melon, Sweet Melon, and Spansek, is a round fruit with tasty, juicy flesh. It has two varieties: The European Cantaloupe and the North American Cantaloupe. Rabbits have a taste for this fruit. They will gladly eat as much as they can get.

How Many Cantaloupe Can A Rabbit Eat, And How Frequently Should They Eat It?

The recommended amount is one tablespoon for every 2 pounds of its weight. Of course, that amount only applies to healthy rabbits. Pregnant and lactating rabbits would consume a larger portion, while Sick rabbits may require more or less depending on the Veterinarian’s prescription. Cantaloupe isn’t something you ought to give your rabbit as food. Instead, it’s supposed to be offered to them as a nibble. Therefore, you should give your rabbit a maximum of 2 portions a week with a 3-4 days interval in between.

What Is The Appropriate Age For Feeding Cantaloupe Melon To Bunnies?

Baby rabbits cannot eat Cantaloupe Melon. The presence of starch coupled with sugar is enough to give them severe stomach problems since they can’t digest them. Your rabbit must reach the age of 7 months before you can think of giving it this fruit.

What Are The Pros Of Feeding Cantaloupe Melon To Your Rabbit?

Like every vegetable, Cantaloupe comes with its health benefits. Some of them are:

  • Low-Calorie Content

Cantaloupe Melon contains 60 calories per 177g.  A low-calorie diet will help keep your rabbit’s weight in check. It would also maintain its blood sugar levels due to its medium glycemic index of 65. Cantaloupe is a snack you can give your rabbit without worrying about gaining weight.

  • Decreases the risk of cancer

The seeds and rinds of Cantaloupe melon have a high antioxidant content. These antioxidants will do a good job of locating and eradicating free radicals in the body. Free radicals are unstable molecules that convert healthy cells to cancer cells by destroying their DNA. This fruit can prevent cancers common in rabbits, such as Papilloma, Lymphoma, and Thymoma.

  • Good for the eyes

Can Rabbits eat Cantaloupe Melon_ A rabbit at sunrise

Rabbits are crepuscular creatures that are most agile at dawn and dusk. Under those conditions, light is dim, and rabbits must see properly to avoid danger. Beta carotene is a chemical responsible for the orange color of the Melon’s flesh. When ingested, it is converted to Vitamin A by the body. Vitamin A is responsible for sharp eyesight. Cantaloupe also contains other eye-friendly chemicals such as Lutein and Zeaxanthin.

  • High Water Content

Cantaloupe is 90% water. Water is essential for digestion, absorption of nutrients, and excretion. It also maintains body temperature. The need for water in your rabbit’s meal cannot be overemphasized. A rabbit can last longer without food than without water. As small as 10% water loss from your rabbit’s body can cause death. Cantaloupe keeps your rabbit hydrated. We’re not saying you should replace the water in your pet bunny’s food with Cantaloupe Melon, though.

  • Heart Friendly Option

This fruit is advantageous to the heart. It reduces the risk of heart diseases like High Blood Pressure and Stroke. This is because it has a higher proportion of Potassium to Sodium in its nutritional value (about 16 times more Potassium). When too much Sodium is taken into the body in the form of salt, the kidneys find it difficult to filter blood and supply it to the heart. The blood pressure increases when the heart tries to recover blood from the kidney. Potassium stimulates the kidneys to remove more sodium from the body and convert it to Urine. The more Potassium, the less Sodium there will be in the body, and the lower the risk of heart disease.

Why Should You Not Exceed The Feeding Limit Of Cantaloupe Melon?

Cantaloupe has a high amount of sugar and carbohydrates and is low in fiber. There’s no harm in feeding little portions to your rabbit. That’s why those amounts were recommended anyway. Crossing those limits puts your rabbit’s health at risk.

What Diseases Are Associated With Eating Too Much Cantaloupe Melon?

Here are the diseases that are associated with Cantaloupe Malon:

  • Obesity

Can Rabbits eat Cantaloupe Melon_ An overweight rabbit

A buildup of the melon’s sugar in your rabbit’s system will cause it to add weight, and over time, it will become obese.  You can treat an obese rabbit by making sure it burns that sugar by doing exercises every day. If your rabbit refuses to move, get it a playmate. You’ll also need to take it to the Vet so he/she can recommend a feeding plan for your bunny.

  • Diarrhea

Can Rabbits eat Cantaloupe Melon_ Rabbit with Diarrhea

Too much Cantaloupe implies too much water. The excess water will affect the texture of your rabbit’s stool and cause it to pass out semi-solid feces. Take it to a veterinarian and follow his/her instructions.

  • Gastrointestinal Stasis

Cantaloupe is rich in carbohydrates but poor in Indigestible fiber. The fiber is needed for digestion, and since it’s insufficient, the carbohydrate will block the digestive tract of your bunny. You can go to the local pharmacy store and get some drugs that will treat this condition or better still, take your pet to see a Vet.

Can Rabbits Eat Cantaloupe Rinds?

Rabbits can eat the rinds of the Cantaloupe melon because they contain nutrients that can fight diseases and keep the rabbits healthy.

Can bunnies eat cantaloupe seeds?

Despite their nutritional content, it is not advisable to feed Cantaloupe seeds to Bunnies. There is a huge chance they are going to choke on it. Unlike humans, rabbits cannot vomit so they will have difficulty breathing and likely die from suffocation.

How To Prepare Cantaloupe Melon For Your Rabbit

Can Rabbits eat Cantaloupe Melon_ A bowl containing chunks of Cantaloupe Melon

The following steps should be observed when making Cantaloupe Melon for yóur pet bunny:

  •  Give it a Thorough wash:

The rinds of Cantaloupe Melon are carriers of bacteria such as Escherichia Coli, Shigella, and Salmonella. This bacteria could have been from the soil, grazing animals, or even humans. A rigorous wash with soap and water and rinsing should be enough to remove the bacteria. Dry it with a clean towel afterward, then cut off and dispose of the stem.

  • Slice the melon and remove the seeds. Keep them far from your bunny.
  • Cut out the appropriate portion from it. Dice it into little nuggets and transfer them to a clean feeding bowl.
  • If it’s your rabbit’s first time, give it a little chunk of fruit and watch its reaction for the next 24 hours. That would determine whether you keep treating it with melon or not. Ensure you take it to the vet if you notice any abnormal symptoms.
  • If possible, feed your pet bunny with your hand. If you let your rabbit eat from the bowl, it might stain its fur.

Note: After cutting the melon, wash the knife thoroughly to prevent it from transferring any residual bacteria to the next food you slice.

Are There Any Alternatives To Cantaloupe Melon?

Your rabbit may not pass the 24-hour test but don’t worry; there are other fruits you can give it as snacks instead. Some of them are:

  • Watermelon
  • Kiwi
  • Mango
  • Blueberry
  • Strawberry
  • Honeydew Melon
  • Papaya
  • Cucumber
  • Orange


The Cantaloupe Melon can be used to spice up your rabbit’s feeding timetable. However, keep in mind that it is not food but a snack. As such, it should be offered to your pet in little rations, not more than two times a week. Every part of the fruit is nutritious from the skin to the seeds. Nevertheless, the seed can choke your bunny and should be kept out of its reach. Wash the skin with soapy water and rinse it before cutting the fruit with a clean knife. Don’t give it more than the suggested amount and it will enjoy the health benefits of the fruits. Do the opposite and your bunny will fall sick. Do not also give this fruit to baby rabbits, it can kill them.

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