From time to time, you would often find your rabbit chewing on different kinds of food. Your responsibility is to make sure your bunnies are eating the right thing. Making sure the bunnies get a balanced diet with a few treats thrown in is what it means for your rabbit to eat the right thing. A rabbit’s diet should consist primarily of hay and a proportion of pellets, while you can give those fruits only as an occasional treat.
One such fruit you can find your rabbit chewing on is an acorn. Acorns have been utilized as a replacement ingredient in rabbit meals to help fatten rabbits. In several studies involving rabbits, it was discovered that acorns could be harnessed in animal feed without having a short-term negative impact on the health of the animals. In this write-up, we will examine whether rabbits can eat acorns and the possible health risks involved.
What Are Acorns, and Can Rabbits Eat Acorns?

Acorns are small, edible fruits from oak trees. They have a firm shell and are tiny and rounded. The fruit contains a soft, edible kernel found on the inside. Rabbits can certainly eat acorns if they come across the fruit. The fact that rabbits consume a particular diet does not imply that it is safe for them. If you own a pet rabbit, acorns might not suit your pet. Acorns come in different varieties that rabbits can consume, but not all are equally nutritious. Acorns from white oak trees are the healthiest since they are the richest in proteins, lipids, and other vital nutrients. While some rabbits may be able to consume different varieties of acorns, others might not.
Are Acorns Poisonous To Rabbits?
Acorns contain many poisonous chemicals known as tannins. When ingested, tannins may disturb the digestive system of your bunnies. If you think your rabbit has eaten such fruit, it is crucial to keep an eye out for symptoms of a digestive problem. Acorn consumption can lead to complications such as nausea, vomiting, and overall malaise symptoms. Acorns are, therefore, poisonous to your pet rabbits and shouldn’t be given to rabbits in typical cases.
What Health Hazards Can Result When Rabbits Eat Acorns?
Acorns are rich in protein and fat and include several different vitamins and minerals. However, they also contain a lot of tannins, which, if taken excessively by rabbits, can be harmful. As part of a balanced diet, it is crucial to only give your rabbit a small number of acorns, if you must do so.
Consistent feeding on acorns can cause diarrhea in rabbits. Diarrhea arises from the unfavorable contents in acorns, making it impossible for your rabbit to digest.
Stasis in the digestive system
Intestinal stasis of rabbits can also occur in rabbits fed a significant amount of acorns. Intestinal stasis appears in rabbits fed a low-fiber diet. The condition happens when the bacteria balance in your rabbit’s stomach is disturbed. This disruption would cause digestion issues. If it is not treated immediately, it can result in organ failure and death.
Intestinal stasis is a digestive system immobility that can lead to complications such as depression, constipation, and Anorexia/appetite loss. Immediately take your rabbit to a veterinarian if you notice these signs.
Liver problem
Since most acorns are high in fat, regularly feeding them to your rabbits may cause hepatic lipidosis, often known as fatty liver disease. Just about 3% of a rabbit’s diet should be fat. On the other hand, acorns are stuffed with fat and would raise the fat lipid level of your bunny which is a risk for fatty liver.
If rabbits eat a lot of starchy diets, obesity is also possible. Rabbits housed in cages all day without exercise and fed high-carb, low-fiber diets are particularly prone to obesity. The situation becomes worse if your rabbit is fed starchy foods like acorns.
Are Tree Nuts Safe For Rabbits?

Rabbits won’t become sick if they unintentionally eat some nuts in moderation, but they should never be allowed to eat too much. Nuts are very common in gardens comprising a lot of trees. Rabbits occasionally chew on nuts or different objects to grind their teeth. This is completely normal behavior and shouldn’t be a cause for alarm. However, they might unintentionally swallow them if they get them into their throats. Ingestion of such nuts might be poisonous. If you own pet rabbits that freely roam your garden, always keep an eye on them and make sure they don’t get to ingest some of these possibly harmful objects.
What To Do When Your Rabbit Eats Acorns?
When rabbits eat acorns, they may become poisoned. The poison is brought on by the tannins found in acorns. Tannins are organic compounds that can damage rabbits’ livers and lead to other medical problems. If you find out that your rabbit has had a go with tons of acorn fruits in your oak tree garden, keep a watch out for any changes in your bunny’s behavior and poop. Acorn consumption can cause rabbits to become extremely ill and, in rare instances, even result in death. If you’re worried, just give them plenty of hay to eat. The additional fiber would most definitely take care of the issue. Consult a vet as soon as possible if you do not see any improvement.
Are Acorns Beneficial To Rabbits?
Acorns are supposedly used as a component of feed for meat rabbits in animal husbandry to improve yield. According to many studies, acorns can help fatten meat rabbits quickly. In addition to having modest levels of zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iron, pentatonic acid, niacin, riboflavin, and thiamine, they are a good source of copper, manganese, magnesium, vitamin B6, and folate. Additionally, they include 6.15 g of protein and over 18 amino acids per 100 mg.
Do Wild Rabbits Eat Acorns?
Yes. Wild rabbits eat acorns. Also, few other rodents eat these nuts, especially when they ripen and fall from oak trees. While wild rabbits can eat acorns, it’s essential to limit acorn intake for your pet rabbit to the barest minimum. Acorns’ fat content and calories are only needed in 1% of a rabbit’s diet; therefore, feeding your rabbits with too many acorns may be detrimental to their health.
What Are Alternative Fruits To Acorns For Rabbits?
Here are some alternate treats you could provide your rabbits once or twice a week:
- Blueberries
- Pear
- Strawberries
- Melon
- Apple (remove seeds)
- Banana
- Blackberries
- Watermelon
- Cherries (remove seeds)
- Cranberries
- Grapes
- Raspberries
- Pineapple
- Orange
How Do I Get My Rabbit To Eat Acorns?

Acorns are a special kind of wild nuts. Many animals, especially rabbits, eat them frequently. If you own a meat rabbit, occasional consumption of acorns for your meat rabbit might be helpful to get them to develop massively in size and weight. If you want to try out acorns for your rabbit, there are a few considerations to make. First, check that the acorns you select are clean and in good condition. Only add acorns to bunnies’ diet gradually to give your rabbit’s digestive system time to acclimatize. Offering a tiny amount of acorn powder combined with their usual food can be an excellent place to start. You can give your rabbit more acorns once it becomes accustomed to their flavor and texture. They should be served in moderation, just like any other food. Always adhere to the following rules while giving acorns to your rabbit:
- Begin with a tiny portion and gradually increase it as your rabbit grows accustomed to it.
- After a few hours, remove any uneaten acorns to keep them from spoiling.
- Acorns that are moldy or insect-infested should not be fed to rabbits since they can make them sick.
- Select acorns that are in season and haven’t been chemically treated.
Acorns are can be given to meat rabbits in moderation but can harmful to pet rabbits. You can occasionally administer small portions of these nuts as treat to your bunnies although they shouldn’t make up a large portion of their diet. Due to the high tannin content of acorns, rabbits may experience digestive issues. A tiny amount of acorns as a treat for your meat rabbit once in a while is acceptable, but make sure your rabbit’s diet consists primarily of hay, fresh produce, and pellets made especially for rabbits.