Can Bunnies Have Spinach Daily?

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Although hay remains a primary source of nutrition for rabbits, they can eat other things too. For example, rabbits like leaves and vegetables, which are meals that provide good fiber and vitamins. So, is spinach one of those greens? Can rabbits eat spinach daily? Yes, rabbits can eat spinach. Now, you may be wondering how often you can feed spinach to your rabbits. This article will answer that question among many others. However, you must note that the answer to the question “can bunnies have spinach daily?” is No. Other matters to be discussed in this article are:

  1. Why should rabbits eat spinach?
  2. How much spinach can I give my rabbit?
  3. Can rabbits eat spinach every day?
  4. Can rabbits eat too much spinach?
  5. Can wild bunnies eat spinach?


Why Should Rabbits Eat Spinach?

Can Rabbits Eat Spinach Daily_Should rabbits eat spinach

Some people say that rabbits should never eat spinach and that it is totally unhealthy. You can compare it to when people say you shouldn’t eat sugar because it is not healthy. Sugar is a good source of glucose. Glucose is essential to replenish your energy levels and strengthen your immune system. So, your body needs sugar. But if you overeat, you could get ill and gain too much weight.

Here’s one thing you probably already noticed, rabbits love veggies! They can be a little picky about what they eat, but they generally like leafy meals. Fortunately, spinach is very beneficial to rabbits. It’s easy to think carrots are the best choice of veggies, but too many carrots can also harm them. So when feeding your rabbits vegetables and spinach in particular, always remember that less is best. They don’t need a heap, just a few leaves.

When you feed your rabbits spinach, they get vitamins and a good amount of fiber from it. This means that they get more nutrition and stay healthy. Here are some nutritional benefits of feeding spinach to your bunnies.

  • Beta-carotene

Plants are a good source of Vitamin A. Spinach provides beta-carotene, which rabbits can convert to Vitamin A in their bodies.

  • Rich in fiber

As you already know, there’s nothing as great as a rich fiber diet for healthy rabbits. Spinach leaves and stalks have lots of fiber, serving as good supplements to your pet’s pellet diet.

  • It has good water content.

That’s right. Spinach has a lot of water. In fact, 91% of spinach is made of water. Hydration is vital for your rabbit, and spinach is one way to get more water into their system.

  • Vitamins

Spinach provides many vitamins such as Vitamin A, C, E, K, even calcium and folic acid.


How To Feed Spinach To Rabbits

  • Buy fresh leaves

You should never give your bunnies stale veggies to eat. Instead, make sure that they are crisp and fresh. That’s what makes a good meal in Rabbit Town.

You can get them from a farmer’s market or a supermarket that sells fresh vegetables.


  • Wash them thoroughly

Leaves sometimes gather dust, particles, and other unhealthy substances. This is unavoidable even for homegrown veggies. So, a good wash will get rid of any germs or insects that could upset your pet’s tummy.

So, you should wash spinach leaves and stalks thoroughly before you give them to your rabbit.


  • Serve a few leaves

Rabbits should only eat two to three leaves once a week. Overfeeding them could also be harmful, as will be discussed shortly.


Can Rabbits Eat Spinach Stalks and Roots?

Can Rabbits Eat Spinach Daily_rabbits eat spinach stalks and roots

Yes, rabbits can eat spinach stalks. In fact, they find it delicious, and it’s a good amount of fiber. The roots, however, contain a little more sugar, so you could do without it. Your pets would do just fine with just the leaves and stalk.

How Much Spinach Can I Give My Rabbit?

First, let’s talk about what kind of spinach is healthy for rabbits. Indeed, there are different types of spinach. They also come in different qualities. Some are organically grown, while others are not.

Organic vegetables are not grown with harmful chemicals, so such vegetables are rich and healthy. The risk of exposing your pets to toxic substances is also significantly reduced.

Generally, there are three types of spinach: flat-leaf spinach, curly-leaf spinach, and semi-savoy spinach. Any of these types are suitable for rabbits. However, you may discover that your pet has a preference for a specific species.

You may also have to stick with whatever is commonly available in your area since you want fresh vegetables.


  • Flat-leaf spinach has broad leaves. They often take the shape of a spade, and they are smooth. It’s easy to clean them as well.
  • Semi-savoy spinach is a mixed variety or a hybrid. The leaves are a little rough and curly.
  • Curly-leaf spinach, like the name sounds, has particularly curly leaves.


Now, how much spinach should rabbits eat? Only a little. Again you should remember that rabbits should eat spinach every day. It’s not healthy for them.

The quantity you serve them should vary according to their sizes or ages. For instance, baby rabbits should have only a few leaves, one or two, every week. Giant rabbits can have up to half a cup weekly.

You must ensure that you create a balance in their meal intakes. They need a good amount of fiber, but other nutrients must not be deficient as well. It’s wise to insult your Vet before you make any adjustments to your pet’s meals. They will definitely need more nutrients as they grow older.


Can I Cook My Rabbit’s Spinach?

Can Rabbits Eat Spinach Daily_rabbits eat spinach everyday

Perhaps you cook some spinach, and there’s some leftover after dinner. Should you give it to your rabbits? No, you should not, nor should you cook spinach for your rabbits.

Rabbits eat fresh raw vegetables, not cooked or steamed or fried or frozen even. They enjoy the crunch and shouldn’t take that away. So here’s why you should feed your rabbit cooked spinach.

  • Cooked vegetables have fewer nutrients

When you boil or steam vegetables, they become less nutrient-dense. So you should avail your pet of all the benefits spinach has to offer.

  • Rabbits need the chewing process to file their teeth

Rabbits are constantly growing teeth, and they need chewing to file their teeth down. Therefore, you must include meals, such as raw spinach, to help them chew properly. This helps their dental health.

  • It’s not as enjoyable

Rabbits like hay, cucumber peelings, carrots, and generally anything that keeps them munching away. So, feeding them soft veggies will rob them of the opportunity to enjoy a good chomping.


Can Rabbits Eat Spinach Every Day?

It’s okay to wonder, “can rabbits eat spinach daily?”. The answer is no.

Rabbits should only eat a few leaves or some stalk once a week.

Spinach offers many benefits, so it could seem like a waste that they don’t get to eat every day. It isn’t. Overfeeding your rabbits can create problems with their digestion and make them sick.

If your rabbits haven’t started eating spinach and wish to include it, do it slowly. Most people ask questions about whether their rabbits can eat spinach every day because their rabbits enjoy it.

So, if you haven’t started giving it to your rabbits, you should try it sometime.


What Happens When Rabbits Eat Too Much Spinach?

Can Rabbits Eat Spinach Daily_white and black rabbits

You need to understand the side effects of overeating rabbits. This is because bad things happen when your rabbit overeats spinach. Hence, you will have an easier time identifying any symptoms of overeating.

  • Oxalates

Spinach is very high in Oxalates. Oxalates affect the capacity of your rabbit to digest nutrients like iron and calcium.

When rabbits eat too much spinach, it creates oxalic acids. These bind with iron or calcium and make the digestion of these minerals hard on your rabbit.

Worse still, oxalic acids can take away existing iron from a rabbit’s body. This can cause anemia which is deadly in rabbits.

Further, when calcium doesn’t get digested, it will create a calcium buildup. This can cause damage to their kidneys or colon or create bladder tones!

  • Mineral deficiency

If you are feeding your pet too much spinach, chances are that you are giving them less of other things. This means that they get too much water in their bodies and less actual food. As a result, they will not have access to essential minerals and vitamins.

  • Staleness

Giving your rabbit a pile of spinach means that they have a lot to rummage through. The leaves at the bottom of the stack will become stale and moldy before your rabbits get to them.

They could eat these and fall sick, and that’s not good. So, give your bunny only enough for one meal and save the rest for yourself.

Can Wild Bunnies Eat Spinach?

Yes, they can. Wild bunnies need fresh vegetables rich in Vitamin A. Spinach happens to be one of those, so it’s a good food choice for them. So, we have the same answer to this and the question “can rabbits eat spinach daily?”

You should, however, ration it carefully. Too much spinach can cause diarrhea in wild rabbits. They don’t eat these on their own, so they don’t understand portion control. That’s why wild bunnies will overeat vegetables if you let them.


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