Do Bunnies Eat Apples?

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One of your most significant responsibilities as a pet owner is to ensure that your pet bunny eats a balanced diet. What’s more about the rabbits have particular nutritional needs. If they are not met, they may suffer from serious health problems. Therefore, it is necessary to be well informed to provide your rabbit with the right kind of food. Let’s start with apples. Can pet rabbits eat apples?

Rabbits like to chew almost anything, so no matter what type of food you give them, they will chew it all day long. Bunnies are naturally curious, and they like to taste whatever you put in front of them. This makes it harder for you because you need to be extra careful not to provide them with the wrong type of food.

Pet rabbits love to eat virtually all varieties of Apples. More so, apples are affordable and available all year round. But can rabbits eat whole apples, or are there parts of apples that are harmful to them? Keep reading to find answers to the following questions:

  • Can rabbits eat apples with the skin?
  • Is it ok for rabbits to eat apple core?
  • Can apple seeds kill rabbits?
  • Is it ok for baby rabbits to eat apples?
  • How can I feed my pet rabbits apples?
  • Do rabbits eat apples in the wild?


Can Rabbits Eat Apples Skin?

can pet rabbits eat apples_Red apples

In fact, apple skin is safe for pet rabbits, and it is where they will get most of the health benefits from eating apples. Fresh whole apples are very nutritious. The skin of apples is loaded with fiber and flavonoids and contains less sugar. Accordingly, when the skin is removed, the rabbit will miss out on the nutrients present in the skin.

Without a doubt, rabbits need fiber in their diet. Unlike humans, they do not have continuous movement in their stomach to food pass through their digestive tract (also called peristalsis). Thus, the fiber in apple skin can help their digestion to work well. With this in mind, you may even feed your rabbit only the skin.

Be that as it may, when pet rabbits eat apples, it is more beneficial in small quantities. Apple is acidic and contains lots of sugar. If you give your rabbit too many apples, it will upset their stomach and contribute to obesity. Also, apples usually contain pesticides and other chemicals, so wash thoroughly with water before giving your rabbit.

Additionally, when introducing new food to your rabbit, start by giving one food item at a time and in small quantities too. Then keep an eye on any changes in its habit. If your pet becomes lethargic or passes softer stools, it may be better to not give such food again.


Can Rabbits Eat Apple Core?

Generally, we discard apple cores after eating apples. Maybe you are thinking of giving it to your rabbit, or you have already fed it to your pet, and you wonder if it is harmful. The truth is rabbits can safely eat apple cores. In fact, it is helpful for them because it contains fiber.

However, the problem is that apple seeds are embedded in the core, and apple seeds are potentially dangerous to rabbits. Therefore, it is best to cut the apple cores up to ensure that the pips are not in them.


Can Apple Seeds Kill Rabbits?

can pet rabbits eat apples_Red apples with seeds

Basically, if a rabbit eats (and chews) apple seeds in substantial quantities, it can die. This is because apple seeds contain amygdalin which, when ingested, can be broken down into cyanide. Cyanide is a toxic chemical. According to CDC research, the lethal dose of cyanide for a rabbit is 5mg/kg.

In reality, it is rare for a rabbit to die of cyanide poison after eating apple seeds. In fact, there is no known report of rabbits being seriously hurt from eating apple seeds. There are two reasons for this.

Firstly, because the toxin is protected by the seed’s hard shell, which usually passes directly through the digestive tract of most animals. So, a rabbit will have to chew the seeds to release the potential cyanide and be harmed.


Secondly, if a rabbit actually chews the seed and the contents get into its stomach, cyanide in small quantities usually is detoxified in the body. This means that if your pet rabbit eats a few seeds by mistake, it may not get hurt. It is practically not possible for a rabbit to eat all the apple seeds in several apples once.

Nevertheless, you can not throw caution to the winds. It is advisable to remove the seeds when your pet rabbits eat apples. After all, what works for one bunny may not work for another. Equally important is being on the lookout for symptoms of cyanide poison like diarrhea, vomiting, and reduced heart rate and convulsion.

Can Baby Bunnies Eat Apples?

can pet rabbits eat apples_a baby rabbit

It is unsafe for baby rabbits to eat apples. This is because their digestive tract is not mature enough to safely digest apples or any other fruit, for that matter.

Like other mammals, baby rabbits should feed only on their mother’s milk. The milk contains the nutrients a baby rabbit needs to grow. They can safely eat hay at about three weeks old. You can gradually introduce new foods at around 6-8 weeks when the baby is weaned off breast.

At about three months old, you may begin to offer your young rabbit a tiny amount of apple. Observe the Rabbit see if there is any sign of any unwanted reactions. With time you may increase the size a little bit more. Rabbits have a vulnerable digestive system, by and large, require time to adapt to a new kind of food.


How Can I Feed My Pet Rabbit Apples?

Though apples are suitable for rabbits, too much of a good thing can be dangerous. Apples, like many fruits, contain fruit sugar in high quantities. Apples are also acidic. So, to keep your pet safe and healthy, give your rabbit apples as special treats. It should not be a significant part of its daily diet.

When pet rabbits eat apples, it is preferable to cut the fruit into small pieces and feed them one to two teaspoons every other day (of course, remove the seeds).

Better still, you can turn it into occasions for bonding. Allow your Rabbit to eat a small slice of apple out of your hand once in a while. Hand-feeding your pet treats like apples can foster a warm and affectionate relationship between you and your bunny. Another good idea is hiding the apple for the rabbit to discover.

In addition, apple juice comes handy when you are making an effort to encourage your Rabbit to drink more water. You can put a small amount of apple juice in your pet’s drinking water. Also, store-bought processed apple juice is too sugary so stick to homemade juice.

You should watch out for any reactions. If your Rabbit is eating apples for the first time, start slowly and watch for any changes in its poop. If your Rabbit’s poop is too soft, stop feeding it apples.

Interestingly, other parts are healthy for rabbits to eat other than the fruit. The leaves, twigs, and branches are excellent sources of food for rabbits. Gnawing on this kind of food help to control the growth of rabbits’ teeth. Ensure you wash them well to remove pesticides before giving your rabbit.


Do Rabbits Eat Apples in The Wild?

Can pet rabbits eat apples_A wild rabbit

There is no key contrast between a pet rabbit and a wild one when it comes to diet. The only difference is that pet rabbits have access to a wide variety of food. At the same time, All the same, wild rabbits eat whatever they can find. Just as domestic rabbits can eat apples, so can their wild counterparts.

Though rabbits eat apples in the wild when it is available, usually their main diet consists of grasses, vegetables, weeds, wildflowers during the warm season. During cooler months, they gnaw on twigs, bark, bud, etc.

Like their domestic kinds, eating apples in large quantities is not agreeable for their health because of apples’ sugar content and acidity. So, in case you have wild rabbits roaming your backyard, and you wish to feed them, apple leaves or branches will do them more good.


All varieties and colors of apples are suitable and safe for pet rabbits to eat. You can feed your bunny apple, including the skin, flesh, and core, except for the seeds. Nevertheless, moderation is the key.

Rabbits need high fiber, low sugar, and low energy foods to be healthy and happy. So, apple tree leaves, twigs, and branches are wholesome and enjoyable for your rabbit. Then you can allow your pet rabbits to eat apples as a special snack.


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