Rabbits are natural jumpers. It is a survival skill for them. Their muscular hind legs allow them to push off the ground firmly and jump vertically and horizontally. Accordingly, you might wonder, how high can rabbits jump?
The answer to this question might make you reconsider your safety measures concerning rabbit fences, the playpen, and the rabbit cage. More so, if you need to protect your garden from wild bunnies, you should know how high your fence should be to keep them out.
Consequently, this article answers the following questions:
- Why do rabbits jump?
- How high can rabbits jump without getting hurt?
- How high can rabbits safely fall?
- Can rabbits jump on the furniture without getting hurt?
- How high can wild rabbits jump?
- Why should you make a high fence for your rabbit?
- How high does a rabbit fence need to be?
- How high can baby rabbits jump?
Why Do Rabbits Jump?

Rabbits jump when they are happy. They twist and jump in the air. This form of jumping is called binky and usually goes along with sprinting and zipping around.
Sometimes, a rabbit can jump straight up as a defensive behavior to make it look bigger. Typically, rabbits direct such defensive jumping to unfamiliar rabbits or any animal they see as an invader. They may even try to kick with their strong hind legs.
Rabbits also jump as a survival skill to escape predators and avoid danger. For wild rabbits, leaping and jumping in different directions enables them to confuse and outsmart their predators.
How High Can Rabbits Jump From Without Getting Hurt?

Generally, the height a rabbit can safely jump from depends on the breed of the rabbit. Small rabbits don’t jump so high because they have smaller feet. Similarly, large rabbits like the Flemish giant can’t jump so high because of their weight. On the other hand, Medium-sized breeds (e.g., New Zealand) tend to jump the highest.
While how high rabbits can jump is controversial, averagely, rabbits can jump as high as three feet. On rare occasions, some rabbits can jump up to four feet with the right motivation. The world record for rabbit high jump is 3ft3inches. Remarkably, a pet bunny can hop as long as ten feet.
How are rabbits able to jump so high for their size? Rabbits have powerful muscles in their hind legs that allow them to jump high. Surprisingly, research shows that rabbit muscle fibers are as powerful as the fastest land animal, the cheetah. Their strong muscles enable them to jump up to 1m high from almost a standing start.
How High Can Rabbits Safely Fall?
Interestingly, while rabbits can safely jump up and down from a height above three feet, falling from a height of more than 1 foot is dangerous for them. When they jump, rabbits spread their legs and distribute the pressure to all limbs, preparing their bodies for impact. In that way, they can land on their feet and stand safely.
On the other hand, the situation is different if they accidentally fall from a varying height or jump from your arm to the open air. The rabbit may land by mistake, injuring the neck and spine. So, ensure you hold your pet rabbit firmly and support its hind legs with your body.
Can Rabbits Jump on the Furniture Without Getting Hurt?
Interestingly, your pet rabbit might turn your home into a fun obstacle course, leaping from sofa to armchair to staircase. While it is safe for rabbits to jump on furniture, remember to bunny-proof your home to protect your rabbit from injury.
Hence, keep away any breakable object or surface that might attract your rabbit. Furthermore, avoid startling your rabbit to prevent it from making a sudden jump that could result in severe injury.
How High Can Wild Rabbits Jump?

While there is no record of precisely how high a wild rabbit can jump, the fact is that they can jump higher than their domestic counterparts. Wild and domestic rabbits have significantly different jumping abilities.
Some believe that wild rabbits can leap both vertically and horizontally over 15 feet to escape predators. Such a high jump allows the rabbit to see all directions, enabling it to swiftly get away.
The truth is that many domesticated rabbits cannot jump that high. The reason is that they eat well and are well taken care of, which causes them to be heavy. In contrast, wild rabbits are leaner.
Unlike domestic rabbits that do not have the opportunity to develop their hind legs properly, wild rabbits are always on the move. Their well-developed hind legs allow them to jump up to four feet and above. They jump that high, especially when they have to escape predators or get food.
Therefore if your goal is to keep wild rabbits off your garden and flowers, put the wild rabbits’ tenacity in getting food into consideration.
How High Can Baby Rabbits Jump?

Of course, baby bunnies cannot jump as high as adults, but they can still jump relatively high. In the first 3 months, a baby bunny can jump as high as two feet. This means that you need to be careful in keeping your baby rabbit safe and secure.
Because of this, it is advisable to lift the baby bunny only if it is wrapped in a swaddle to prevent it from twisting and falling. You can also sit at a safe height while carrying your baby rabbit to reduce the risk of injury if it accidentally slips from your hand.
Like adults, baby rabbits may try to jump off your arms while holding them because of a fear of heights. Although they are energetic, they are fragile. So, falling or jumping from your hands might injure them severely.
If rabbits feel unsafe or scared, they may jump out of human arms. Nevertheless, If your bunny allows you to cuddle, make sure you follow the following safety measures :
- Place one of your hands under the rabbit’s chest and the other under the hindquarters.
- When you are ready, pick the rabbit up and place it on your chest.
- Make sure to hold it firmly but not too strong to make it feel scared or smothered.
- When your rabbit becomes anxious or tired, it is time to let it go. Gently put it down and don’t allow it to jump from your hands.
How High Does a Rabbit Fence Need To Be?
Without a doubt, you should make your rabbit fence high to prevent your pet from jumping over and getting injured. As earlier stated about how high rabbits can jump, a rabbit can jump as high as four feet. Thus, a rabbit fence five feet tall is suitable for keeping your rabbit from jumping over.
In addition, rabbits are good diggers, so the fence should be two feet underground to prevent the rabbits from digging under. Also, ensure that the wall is made of plastic or metal that rabbits cannot munch. The best option is to use galvanized steel wire with a mesh size of about one inch so that young rabbits cannot wiggle through it. The wire should likewise be at least 1.2mm thick to prevent rabbits from biting through it.
Although rabbits are not natural climbers like cats or squirrels, they can climb better than you think. Sometimes they escape from their cage not just by jumping out but by partly jumping and climbing. This is most common with wire fences. With this in mind, you can build the rabbit fence halfway with smooth panels, even above four feet. By and large, make sure all walls and bunny runs are covered to prevent your bunny from escaping.
Why Should You Make a High Fence for Your Rabbit?
One reason is to protect your favorite garden plants from turning into rabbit snacks. Another reason is to protect your rabbit from eating dangerous plants. For example, onion, garlic, tomato leaves, rhubarb are all poisonous to rabbits.
Additionally, making a high fence ensures that your rabbit is safely inside and protects it from getting lost. Another benefit of having a high wall is to prevent wild rabbits from entering your yard. Otherwise, they may carry diseases and spread to your domestic pet rabbits.
Rabbits’ ability to jump is unbelievable and exciting to watch. So, keep this in mind when building your rabbit fence, garden fence, and rabbit-proofing your home.
Finally, the answer to the question “how high can rabbits jump?” is not just a matter of satisfying one’s curiosity but of safety for your adorable pet rabbits. Ensure to take adequate precautions to protect them from danger.