What Are Some Pet Bunny Games?

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Bunnies are the ideal bundles of joy that we all crave for. The way they move, jump and play leaves a soft spot, making it almost difficult not to fall in love with them. To keep these cute creatures active and happy, you need to create the perfect ambiance for them to thrive. This includes making their environments conducive for play and exercise. It also requires you to provide your pet bunnies with the right toys and games to fill their time. So, what games to play with your pet rabbit? Also, check out our Youtube video about games to play with your pet rabbit.

As a pet rabbit owner, games are an integral part of a rabbit’s overall wellbeing. Rabbits are hyperactive animals and certainly require an elaborate playtime and exercise routine to maintain a strong and healthy body. You need to study your rabbit to know the kind of things they love. This will give you an idea of what types of games to incorporate into their daily routine.

Rabbits have different personalities when it comes to the things they enjoy. Some rabbits enjoy eating more than others and can munch on a pile of hay all day if left to it. Others simply enjoy running around in open spaces outside the house. Some rabbits love to explore and play with objects. You will find these kinds of rabbits snooping around odd corners in your home.

Whatever may be the case, there is always a game for any type of rabbit out there.

In this article, we will explore some games to play with your pet rabbit. We will also be covering the following:

  • What games can you play with your rabbit?
  • What do pet rabbits like to play with?
  • How do I entertain my pet rabbit?
  • What do pet rabbits like to do for fun?

Follow along now and learn these few tricks to keep your rabbits entertained and happy all day long.

What Games Can You Play With Your Rabbit?

As pointed out earlier, rabbits have different personalities. You will have to discover what they enjoy the most so you can tailor your choice towards this path. What is most important is that they certainly require a huge amount of playtime. So you need to be looking out for games that will keep them very busy and are equally exerting.

The House Rabbit Society suggests that rabbits need about 30 hours worth of exercise every week to keep their muscles stretched. A good quality exercise keeps your pet bunny mentally stimulated and helps you bond better with them.

When it comes to mentioning games to play with your pet rabbit, there are a lot of fun games you can start exploring. Some are simple play routines while others are toys you can purchase from a pet store. Check with the six games we have outlined below to see which one works for you.

Cat Ball:

Games to Play With Your Pet Rabbit_cat balls

Cat balls are a favorite pick for the average rabbit. They enjoy playing around them and rarely lose interest. You can choose to get involved in the play or let them enjoy it by themselves.

However, it is a good practice to play with your pet rabbit by doing a game of “roll and fetch.” This means rolling the ball to your rabbit and letting it pick it up with its teeth and return it to you. Once your rabbit gets it right on the first roll, repeat the sequence until it becomes comfortable.

Bunnies also enjoy playing with cat balls all by themselves. They use their noses to push the ball around the house.

Pet Tunnels:

There are mazes or pet tunnels you can buy in animal stores to keep things interesting for your rabbit. Moreover, if you are not looking to spend money, you can design one yourself. A maze can be made of any used household item like newspapers or cardboard boxes. Teach the rabbit how to play and find their way around them.

Jumping For A Treat:

A game of jump is also a nice fit for a pet bunny. This is how you do it. You sit by the edge of a chair and hold a small piece of rabbit treat away from your rabbit. Pick its curiosity by making it reach for the food in your hand, suspended in the air. Your pet rabbit will continue to leap until it gets the treat from your hand.

Play A Game of Chase:

You can also play a game of chase with your pet rabbit. To make the most out of this game, you may need to get on your knees and pretend to be an animal. Once you beckon at them and they start to run towards you, pretend to get away. This way, they will start chasing after you. Bunnies enjoy this routine a lot.

Reward Toys Games:

Rabbits are very intelligent animals. So it is always good to keep their brains mentally stimulated from time to time. Games like logic toys task a rabbit to work towards a prize once they can figure it out. You can find logic toys in many animal stores around. Just pick the ones that suit your rabbits’ personalities and put them to the test.

Conventional Pet Toys:

You can improvise with things around the house and make a fancy toy for your pet rabbit. This could be anything from a small carton, a paper ball, or you could even throw them your kid’s old toy. Just anything small and portable will do the trick. The main aim is to keep them occupied all day.

Always remember that a well-stimulated mind keeps your pet rabbit strong, healthy, and mentally alert.

What Do Pet Rabbits Like to Play With?

Games to Play With Your Pet Rabbit_jumping rabbit

Rabbits are naturally playful animals, so they can play with almost anything once they feel comfortable in an environment. Moreover, you can tell the mood of a rabbit from the way it plays and fiddles with objects around it. Most time, a pet bunny is at its happiest moments when it is very energetic.

For the most part, rabbits are just fun animals, and getting them something to play with is not difficult. First, you should start by developing a strong bond with your rabbit. Bunnies require lots of love and attention, so pick things from there before moving to the next level.

Once you have been able to play and bond properly with your rabbit, it will get comfortable. You may then start introducing toys and little objects. Experiment with as many as possible and watch which one(s) picks its interest.

This will give you an idea of what your bunny loves or doesn’t.

Generally, there are some toys and objects rabbits enjoy a lot more than others. Below are a few of them.

  • Wooden chew toys
  • Cardboard boxes
  • Paper bags
  • Untreated straw or wicker baskets
  • Pinecones
  • Phone books (for shredding into bits)
  • Metal lids (they enjoy the noise)

Games to Play With Your Pet Rabbit_wicker baskets

Treats such as peach, plum, cherries should be kept far away from your pet bunny as they are poisonous if ingested.

How Do I Entertain My Pet Rabbit?

There are more than a dozen ways to entertain your pet rabbit. It never goes overstated that rabbits are very fun and playful animals. So it shouldn’t be too hard to come up with something to keep your pet rabbits happy and entertained.

Rabbits can be entertained with anything from simple play routines to jumping exercises. Simply bringing them out in the open, especially in the lawn area is more than fun for them. Let them run wild and free and bask in the sunlight. Rabbits find this very invigorating.

If you want to spice things a bit, you can also join in on the fun by playing with them. You can play catch where you make your pet rabbit chase you around.

Toys are certainly a sure way to keep these fluffy creatures on the toes every single moment. You should surround them with a lot of toys and bunnies will play all day long.

It is noteworthy to add here that you must make sure never to include tiny objects as a plaything for rabbits. They can swallow and choke on them if they get in their mouths.

Above all, you should watch and study them. Soon enough, you will be coming up with more things to keep your pet bunny entertained.

What Do Pet Rabbits Like to Do for Fun?

An energetic rabbit is a happy rabbit. That’s the first rule in bunny land, LOL! You can easily spot a happy rabbit from its mood and the way it plays. When a rabbit broods around all day, that is a telltale sign that it is bored, tired, or sick.

But it is a rare case that rabbits get bored or tired. If this happens, you should know it isn’t having any fun or has grown weary of the same old routines.

To help you know if your rabbit is really enjoying itself, here are five things rabbits do for fun:

  1. They twist-jump from time to time.
  2. They roll on their side and lay for while to catch their breath.
  3. Rabbits enjoy running around in circles.
  4. Rabbits will purr when they are very comfortable.
  5. When they jump and pounce when playing with an object.

We hope this article has shed more light on the types of games to play with your pet rabbit.