Does My Pet Rabbit Hibernate In The Winter?

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Have you observed that wild rabbits are scarce during the winter months, unlike other times of the year? You may wonder, does my pet rabbit hibernate in the winter? Understanding rabbits’ adaptations to cold weather can help you care for your pet during winter. Thus, this article explains how you can help your pet rabbit survive the winter months. Here are some of the questions we will answer in this article:

  • Can Pet Rabbits Go Into Hibernation?
  • What Do You Do With A Pet Rabbit in Winter?
  • Can Pet Rabbits Handle Cold Weather?
  • Where Do Pet Rabbits Go In Winter?
  • How Do I Know If My Rabbit Is Cold?

Can Pet Rabbits Go Into Hibernation?

Does My Pet Rabbit Hibernate In The Winter _A rabbit out in winter 

Hibernation is a state of extended inactivity accompanied by a slowing of an animal’s body metabolism. It is a survival reaction to seasonal changes and changes in resource availability, such as food.

No matter how cold it gets, pet rabbits do not hibernate, and they don’t get lethargic in the winter. Rabbits enjoy the cold and maybe more active and lively during the winter months. Their winter coat provides excellent insulation. On the other hand, heat exhaustion is a more dangerous threat to rabbits than colds. 

Similarly, hibernation is not natural for wild rabbits, and they don’t migrate like birds or other animals. They usually spend their lives in the exact location where they were born. Also, they eat a lot of tree bark and forage for food beneath the snow in the winter. In addition, they also seek shelter in their makeshift homes or tunnels between feedings. Though they may stay indoors for days at a time, they never hibernate.

Wintertime changes in rabbits

All rabbits, whether they dwell indoors or outside, change their habits in the winter. However, the winter changes are less drastic for rabbits who are kept inside all year. The following are some of these changes:


Your rabbit will begin to build a thicker winter coat while simultaneously shedding its summer fur as the weather starts to cool. 

Eating habits 

Your rabbit will eat more in the winter to keep its body temperature steady. This is especially true for rabbits who live outside, but even indoor rabbits exhibit a slight increase in appetite.

Water consumption 

Because the weather is colder in the winter, your pet rabbit will consume less water. You should not stop providing consistent water even if they are consuming less.

Energy and playfulness

When the weather becomes colder, pet rabbits become more active and playful. They like it when it’s cool outside. As the weather cools, your rabbit may begin to zip about and do some binkies. Other rabbit activities, like digging and chewing, are also more common.


What Do You Do With A Pet Rabbit in Winter?

Does My Pet Rabbit Hibernate In The Winter _A rabbit out in the cold

You can let your outdoor rabbits remain outside or be brought inside for the winter (especially when temperatures reach zero degrees Celsius). Staying indoors will keep your rabbits warm, happy, and safe throughout the cold spells.

However, if they’re left outside, there are a few things to keep in mind to keep your bunnies healthy and happy. 

1. Regularly monitor your bunny’s health

Because owners believe their rabbits are hibernating, they often neglect indicators of severe sickness throughout the winter months. Lethargy, loss of appetite, and weight loss are all concerning symptoms. Your rabbit should be taken to the veterinarian as soon as possible if any of these signs appear.

In addition, check the rabbit for sore hocks daily; It could indicate an underlying condition like arthritis.

2. Maintain a neat enclosure

Because your rabbits will spend more time in their hutch/cage during the winter months, it is crucial to maintain their environment clean. On cold nights, moist bedding might freeze, causing illness in your rabbits. As a result, clean your rabbits’ litter area daily and their entire home at least once a week. 

3. Keep the rabbits safe from the elements 

Rabbits do not thrive in wet environments. So, check that their lodging is clean and dry. Place the rabbit enclosures in sheltered areas away from the weather. If water gets in, you’ll need to relocate their housing or cover the front of their hutch with a fitting hutch cover to keep them warm. 

Furthermore, consider a pen with a slanted roof that allows water to flow off. Make sure the enclosure is well ventilated and elevated from the ground. Check for water leaks or moisture daily.

4. Ensure their water doesn’t freeze

Pet rabbits need fresh, clean water always. But, water freezes quickly in the winter, so always check to see if their water is frozen. 

5. Maintain a comfortable temperature for them

Your rabbits will stay warm if you add more bedding. In the winter, newspapers, hay, and straw make excellent extra-warm bedding and remember to change their bedding regularly.

Place cardboard boxes filled with straw in their enclosure to encourage your rabbits to use them.

6. Provide them some more hay

To stay warm, rabbits require more calories. Thus, give them plenty of high-quality hay to eat. Make sure your rabbit is getting enough food. Also, throw away any moldy hay since it could make your rabbits sick. 

If you keep hay for an extended period, it will lose some nutritional content.

7. Provide companions for your pet rabbits

Rabbits are sociable creatures. In the winter, keeping them in pairs or small groups allows them to snuggle. Make sure there is adequate space for your bunnies to sleep together or separately if they like.

8. Keep predators away from your rabbit

In the winter, foxes and badgers become considerably more hungry, becoming more aggressive than usual. Make sure your housing can withstand a determined predator’s attention.

9. Allow them to exercise

Your rabbits will still require access to their run to obtain sufficient exercise. To stay warm, rabbits need to be able to roam about. Your rabbits should be able to use their exercise run as long as they are healthy and have developed a thick coat. 

Can Pet Rabbits Handle Cold Weather?

Does My Pet Rabbit Hibernate In The Winter _A white rabbit 

Rabbits have remarkable cold tolerance. Wild rabbits and most domestic breeds have thick coats and padded feet, which are natural adaptations to help them endure cold weather.

Healthy adult rabbits who have become accustomed to living outside may endure temperatures below freezing if they have proper housing and feed. 

Rabbits do not just survive but thrive in chilly conditions. Cold weather often boosts domestic rabbits’ energy levels and revitalizes them. During the winter, many rabbits are at their most playful.

Domesticated rabbits thrive in temperatures of 10 to 20 degrees Celsius. Any temperature below 10 degrees will cause your bunny to seek the warmth of additional bedding. If the temperature drops below zero, you should move your rabbits indoors or to a shed. 

If you’re going to leave them outside, make sure their home is adequately protected from wind, water, and dampness and that they have plenty of methods to stay warm. Even with modifications to their pens and diets, very young or old rabbits, and those with medical issues, should be indoors.

Dampness is a bigger problem for rabbits than the cold. Rabbits can withstand chilly temperatures, but being wet can make them sick. A damp bunny loses body heat quickly, and if not treated quickly, the condition can be fatal. Like their natural burrows, their enclosure should always be dry and snug.

Where Do Pet Rabbits Go In Winter?

Does My Pet Rabbit Hibernate In The Winter_A bunny indoors 

Depending on their owners ‘ living arrangements, pet rabbits can live either indoors or outside. Some bunny owners feel that rabbits thrive best when they are out in nature. Even in the winter, many pet rabbits are content to live outside.

During icy winters, you can even keep pet rabbits indoors. Rabbit hutches or rabbit-proofed indoor rooms are ideal environments for indoor rabbits. You can bring your rabbit into the house or transfer their hutch and cage into a protective space, such as a garage. Note that vehicle exhaust gases are toxic to rabbits, so never house or exercise them in a garage in use. 

Switching between temperature extremes too quickly can be dangerous to your rabbits. Bring your rabbits indoors before the weather becomes too cold. Likewise, try to avoid abrupt temperature changes when it’s time to reintroduce them to the outside.

How Do I Know If My Rabbit Is Cold? 

You may know if your rabbit is cold by touching its ears. Rabbits use their ears to control their body temperature. If your rabbit’s ears are cold, your bunny may also be chilled. This is especially common in the winter or when the weather is windy.

Still, a rabbit’s ears alone aren’t a reliable indicator of a rabbit’s internal temperature. When combined with other warning signals like lethargy and loss of appetite, cold ears may require a trip to the veterinarian. 

A rectal thermometer can help you monitor your bunny’s temperature more accurately. The body temperature of a rabbit is usually between 102 and 103 degrees Fahrenheit. If your rabbit’s body temperature is below this, you can assist it in warming up by wrapping it in warm, dry towels.


The answer to the question “does my pet rabbit hibernate in the winter? ” shows that though rabbits don’t hibernate, they have adaptations to help them survive winter. 

Finally, you should provide well insulated, predator-proof housing, sufficient hay, and clean water for your pet. That way, your bunny will be secure from the cold all winter long. 

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