Can Rabbits Sense Pregnancy?

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According to pet owners, Rabbits appear to have a high level of social awareness and can interpret human emotions exceptionally. They seem to have a sixth sense. Thus, they can perceive changes in the emotional state of their owners. So, can rabbits sense pregnancy as well?

What about rabbit pregnancy? Rabbits do not always show noticeable signs of pregnancy. You might not notice a rabbit is pregnant until only a few days before she gives birth.

With this in mind, this article answers some pregnancy-related questions about humans and rabbits, including:

  • How Does a Rabbit Tell if You Are Pregnant?
  • Do Rabbits Show When Pregnant?
  • Can You Use a Human Pregnancy Test on Rabbits?
  • Can You Keep Two Female Rabbits Together If One is Pregnant?
  • Do Rabbits Give Birth To All Babies at Once?


How Does a Rabbit Tell if You Are Pregnant?

Rabbits have a highly developed sense of smell. They use this to survive in the wild, just like most prey animals. As a result, even tamed rabbits sense pregnancy due to pheromone changes in humans. Pregnancy causes the most dramatic changes in the human body. Your rabbit will surely notice this. Still, their reaction is determined by their distinct personality.

When their owners become pregnant, many rabbits grow more clingy. They will seldom want to leave your side. This is commonly attributed to a rabbit’s protective nature. On the other hand, some rabbits start acting out, biting and nipping their owners. They might also vent their frustrations on other rabbits. In this case, the rabbit is most likely envious and afraid.

Between the late 1920s until the early 1960s, pregnancy tests were performed by injecting a woman’s urine into the ovaries of rabbits. The hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), present in the urine of pregnant women, caused the ovaries of rabbits to expand. Then, scientists could identify if the woman producing the urine was pregnant by cutting open an injected animal and looking at her ovaries.

Because rabbits were so often utilized, pregnancy tests were dubbed “rabbit tests.” The rabbit experiment was not only inhumane, but it was also expensive and inaccurate. A popular euphemism for a positive pregnancy test was the phrase “the rabbit died.” The statement was based on the prevalent misconception that the injected rabbit would only die if there was pregnancy. All rabbits used in the test were killed since they had to surgically open them to check the ovaries.


Do Rabbits Show When Pregnant?

Can rabbits sense pregnancy_a brown rabbit

A female rabbit, usually known as a doe, will not show any visible indications of pregnancy unless she is carrying a big litter. However, you’ll want to be sure your pet is expecting ahead of time, or you’ll be caught off guard when your new colony arrives.

Undoubtedly, a vet examination is the easiest way to be sure that your bunny is pregnant. But there are other indicators to look for as well. If your unneutered mature doe has been in contact with an intact buck, here’s how you can tell whether she is expectant:


1. Examine your rabbit’s stomach

To see if the rabbit is pregnant, gently inspect its abdomen with your fingers or palms. However, learning how to feel for the fetuses without hurting them takes some practice. So, if you’re not sure how to safely do it, get the help of your rabbit’s veterinarian.

In your right hand, gently grip the rabbit’s ears and a flap of shoulder skin. This will hold the rabbit’s upper body in place. Then, gently cradle the rabbit’s body between the rear legs and the pelvis with your left hand. Place your thumb on the right side of the abdomen and your fingers on the left side.

Inside the rabbit’s tummy, you’ll notice some grape-sized lumps. These small bumps are baby bunnies, and they’ll be just big enough to feel as if she’s pregnant.


2. Check the weight of your rabbit.

During pregnancy, a rabbit will gain weight. However, the weight difference is not significant. Using an accurate digital scale and comparing the current figure to your rabbit’s prepregnancy weight is an effective way to determine a rabbit’s pregnancy using weight.


3. Look for signs of  nesting

When pregnant, female rabbits have a hard-wired instinct to make a nest. About a week before giving birth, the young mama will begin to build her nest, which can help you establish a timeline if you’re not sure when she conceived. Suppose a rabbit starts piling up bedding or digs into a corner of the enclosure. In that case, that’s the clearest indicator that she’s beginning to nest.

Remarkably, a rabbit will usually take hay or other objects that it can carry in its mouth to create a cozy area to give birth in. Sometimes, she may press blankets or loose bedding together. A nesting rabbit may also tear its fur out to line the nest, which might upset owners who aren’t familiar with this behavior.

If your rabbit starts to pull its fur out, expect the babies to arrive in the next day or two. Give her a lot of hay and a carton to assist her in finishing her construction.

However, some female rabbits undergo a “false pregnancy.” In such instances, they exhibit nesting behaviors without being pregnant. As a result, building a nest is not always a reliable indicator of pregnancy.

4. Take note of your rabbit’s mood changes

Your affectionate bunny may begin to act as if she dislikes you. She may become irritable, even growling at you and her companions if she’s pregnant. During this period, be especially cautious around her because pregnant does can bite and dislike being handled. For the time being, it’s best to give her some space. While moodiness on its own isn’t proof that she’s pregnant, when combined with other signs, it can signal that her due date is near.

More importantly, If a rabbit has been pregnant for more than 33 days without giving birth, consult a veterinarian immediately to induce labor or remove the kits via surgery.


Can You Use a Human Pregnancy Test on Rabbits?

Can rabbits sense pregnancy_A rabbit and kit

No. A human pregnancy test will not tell you if kittens are on the way. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that only occurs in a woman’s body during pregnancy, and that’s what pregnancy tests look for in human urine or blood. Those tests are calibrated for humans, and you’ll need a rabbit-specific test for your bunny

Besides, assuming that the hormone is present in pregnant female rabbits, the quantity will be too minute for the test to detect.


Can You Keep Two Female Rabbits Together If One is Pregnant?

Can rabbits sense pregnancy_Two rabbits

Keeping two females together when one of them is pregnant is not a problem as long as there is enough space and food for both of them. For the best results, both should come from the same litter. More often than not, sisters from the same litter get along remarkably well.

The success or failure of this arrangement depends on how long the does have lived together and how well they get along. Even if one of the rabbits is pregnant, there should be no conflict if they have lived together for a long time and are firmly attached. This is especially true if the bunnies have enough space to move around separately if they choose to do so.

Suppose the arrival of the litter generates tension between the two females. In that case, it may be appropriate to let them play together in a different enclosure during the day. Then, hutch them separately at night, with mum returning to her babies’ hutch. Allowing the females to interact during the day increases the likelihood of living together again after the babies have left. If they are entirely separated, the chances of them reuniting are small.

Once the babies are gone, both females should be neutered to give them the best opportunity of staying together peacefully. Females who haven’t been spayed can be territorial, which means there’s a more significant likelihood of a conflict. In contrast to doe-buck pairs, two female rabbits had a greater chance of fighting.

Do Rabbits Give Birth To All Babies at Once?

Can rabbits sense pregnancy _ Rabbit litter

Rabbits do not always give birth to all their babies at once. The following reasons are responsible for this:


1. A Large Litter

When a rabbit has a large litter, it is common for the babies to be born days apart. The delivery process may go longer than one day. Therefore, simply ensure that the baby rabbits are well-cared for and kept out of harm’s way during this period.

2. Genetic Predisposition

Longer pregnancies are a genetic propensity in some mother rabbits. This simply indicates that their birthing process is slower due to their genetic makeup and body form. Given this, it’s best to keep the mother calm and give her plenty of time to give birth at her own pace.

3. Anxiety-related complications

A mother rabbit may become anxious during the birthing process. Because rabbits are inherently nervous, the doe may panic, and her body will begin to clamp up.


In summary, taking your doe to the vet is the best method to ascertain if she is pregnant. Also, consider having your rabbits neutered if you wish to avoid rabbit pregnancy in the first place.

Finally, it’s comforting to know that we no longer rely on rabbits to confirm human pregnancy. Can rabbits sense pregnancy? The answer isn’t as straightforward as getting a modern pregnancy test.

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