Can Rabbits Eat Parsley?

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As a rabbit owner, one of your biggest priorities is the food your pet bunny eats. Maybe while considering different options, you were wondering ‘Can Rabbits eat Parsley’?

Knowing the effects of parsley on your pet bunny will bring you one step closer to giving it quality nutrition. This article will enlighten you by answering the following questions:

  • Do Rabbits love Parsley?
  • How much parsley can a rabbit eat?
  • How much parsley can a rabbit have in one day?
  • Can Baby Rabbits eat Parsley?
  • Why should Rabbits eat Parsley?
  • Does Parsley give rabbits diarrhea?
  • Can Rabbits eat Parsley stems?
  • If not Parsley, what can you feed your rabbits?

Do Rabbits Love Parsley?

Parsley is a herb eaten by rabbits. If you allow them, they will eat as many as possible. Nevertheless, it is important to limit your pet bunny’s intake of this vegetable. It shouldn’t take the place of their main meal which is hay. It should only be given to them as a supplement to help them get a balanced diet.

Types of Parsley Eaten By Rabbits

There are so many breeds of parsley but rabbits are only familiar with 2: Flat-leaf and Curly leaf. Flat-leaf or Italian Parsley consists of thin stems and flat, darkened leaves. It has a pleasant smell. On the other hand, Curly-leaf Parsley has round, curly, and light-colored leaves. They’re not as sweet as Flat-leaf Parsley.

How Much Parsley Can a Rabbit Eat?

Can Rabbits eat Parsley_ Cutting Parsley leaves

Parsleys are good for rabbits to eat. They pose no threats to their system as long as they are fed the right amount. ‘What is the right amount?’, you may ask. You should feed your rabbit 1-2 cups of Parsley for every 6 pounds of its weight if it’s between the ages of 1 and 5.

If it’s a 6-year-old rabbit or older, you should seek counsel from a health professional such as an animal nutritionist or a vet. This is because rabbits get old around that age hence their dietary needs will change. The amount of parsley senior rabbits can eat depends on some factors. It is only after examining those factors that the professional would recommend an amount.

Vegetables ought to constitute only 10% of your rabbit’s meal.

How Much Parsley Can a Rabbit Have in One Day?

The amount of parsley that can be consumed by rabbits per day differs, depending on several factors.

One of which is their weight. Those weighing between 1.1-3.5 pounds (small breeds) should eat 46-294g of Parsley. Those within the range of 6-10 pounds (medium breeds) should take between 252-840 g. Those in the 9-12 pounds category(Large breeds) should consume 378-1008 g.

Another factor is their state of health. Sick rabbits will follow a different diet which will be suggested by the health care specialists.

A third is the gestation factor. Pregnant rabbits or nursing mothers will require a larger amount of vegetables than healthy, nonpregnant rabbits.

Can Baby Rabbits Eat Parsley?

Parsley is not for baby rabbits. You’ll have to wait until your rabbit is 3 months old before giving it parsley to eat. Start by serving 1 parsley a day. Watch its reaction to the plant for the next 24 hours. In the absence of any reaction, keep on feeding it but gradually increase its intake.

Why Should Rabbits Eat Parsley?

Can Rabbits eat Parsley_Parsley leaves

Rabbits need Parsley for its Nutritional value. The nutrients beneficial to your rabbit’s health include:

Vitamin A is necessary for good eyesight.

For their immune systems, Vitamin C is strong enough to fight diseases.

Vitamin K is necessary for strong bones and healthy blood.

Antioxidants protect the cells from damage, prevent high blood pressure and kidney diseases, and reduce inflammation (swelling) in your rabbit’s body.

Carbohydrates, which is an energy source.

Proteins, for cell growth

Folic acid is a vitamin, which protects them from cancer and aids the development of rabbit fetuses.

Does Parsley Give Rabbits Diarrhea?

Feeding your rabbit too much Parsley comes with its consequences. There are some diseases your bunny could contract, diarrhea being one of them. Diarrhea is a condition in which rabbits release soft, watery stools.

The digestive system of a rabbit requires indigestible fibers to keep the intestines moving and ensure the digestion of food. Parsleys are very low in indigestible fibers but rich in carbohydrates.

When your rabbit has too much parsley in its diet, it becomes unable to digest the carbohydrates. These carbohydrates remain in the stomach and cause its pH to become acidic. The acidic pH aids the growth of gas-producing bacteria. These bacteria stimulate bowel movements leading to the involuntary release of stools.

If one’s not careful, diarrhea could lead to the death of his/her pet. Apart from stooling, some other symptoms of diarrhea are reduced appetite, inactivity, dirty buttocks, loss of weight, bloating, etc.

People often mistake Intermittent Soft Cecotropes (ISC) for Diarrhea. However, the difference is that in ISC, rabbits pass out normal feces and semi-solid cecotropes. In diarrhea, both are liquid. Cecotropes are substances containing undigested nutrients which are normally excreted by the rabbit and eaten again. This is to ensure those nutrients are digested. Cecotropes look like grapes.

How To Treat Diarrhoea in Your Rabbit

Can Rabbits eat Parsley_A Rabbit at the Vet Clinic

Quick action is necessary. The first thing to do will be to take your rabbit to an experienced veterinarian. Take along with you some feces samples if possible. The doctor will need it to properly diagnose your rabbit. The vet will prescribe some drugs. For the sake of your pet bunny, adhere strictly to the instructions.

You need to work on your rabbit’s diet too. Get rid of every food that is not high fiber grass hay. If its main meal is hay in the form of pellets, you can slowly introduce it to natural hay. The essence of giving it only hay is to ensure its digestive system is functioning properly again. Hay has high indigestible fiber content. When your rabbit has fully recovered and is releasing normal droppings, you can resume adding supplements to its meal again.

Ensure to keep your pet bunny hydrated as well.

Clean up the feces from its body by bathing it. It could be a wet bath with shampoo and water or a dry bath with baby cornstarch powder.

Take your rabbit for frequent checkups as well. The doctor will assess its progress and let you know if there’s any other thing you need to do. Moreover, make sure your rabbit is kept in a quiet place. Noise stresses bunnies and stress will delay your per’s recovery.

Can Rabbits Eat Parsley Stems?

Rabbits are not selective about Parsley stems. You don’t need to cut it out and feed them just leaves. Some of the nutrients are contained in the stems.

If Not Parsley, What Else Can You Feed Your Rabbit?

Maybe Parsley isn’t compatible with your rabbit’s system or you just want to include other green herbs in its diet. Fortunately, there are a ton of options you can choose from.

They include:

  • Sage
  • Rosemary
  • Tarragon
  • Spinach
  • Clover
  • Bok choy
  • Celery
  • Radicchio
  • Green Peppers
  • Watercress
  • Thyme
  • Fennel
  • Cilantro
  • Lavender
  • Basil
  • Wheatgrass
  • Dandelion greens
  • Carrot
  • Peppermint leaves
  • Dill



Parsley can be eaten by rabbits any day, anytime. However, it’s very important to feed it to them in moderation. If your rabbit eats too much and starts to exhibit symptoms of diarrhea, take him to the vet quickly. Follow the instructions and your pet bunny will be back to good health again. You can also decide to feed Parsley to your rabbit along with other herbs. Not all herbs are fit for consumption though so you have to be sure of the ones you select.

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