Can Rabbits Eat Clover?

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Clovers, distinguished by their trefoil leaves, can be found on nearly every lawn. They are legumes that serve as feed for grazing animals and as fodder. Most types of clover are also suitable for human consumption. However, can rabbits eat clover?

Rabbits enjoy eating leafy vegetables, but the wrong variety might be harmful to their health. So, let’s have a look at clover as a rabbit food source. In this article you will find answers to these questions :

  • Is clover poisonous to rabbits?
  • Do rabbits like to eat clover? 
  • What kind of clover is safe for rabbits? 
  • Can rabbits eat purple and pink clover?

Is Clover Poisonous to Rabbits?

Can rabbits eat clover_A brown rabbit and a patch of clover leaves 

Clover ( Trifolium species), sometimes known as trefoil, is a flowering leguminous plant that belongs to the Fabaceae family of peas. The plant is used for fodder, with white and red clovers being the most popular. Also, the leaves of this plant have three lobes, and the flower head is spherical.

Clover is excellent natural rabbit food. In all of their forms, clovers are natural herbs that provide critical nutrients to rabbits. They are one of the safest and most valuable greens for rabbits. Clover can be used with other leafy greens such as bok choy, mint, basil, celery, parsley, spinach, etc.

Furthermore, clover contains protein, carbohydrates, iron, vitamin C, A, K, manganese, and dietary fibers, to name a few nutrients. Keep in mind that rabbits need these nutrients to survive. Thus, clover is a superb addition to your bunny’s leafy greens. Clover protein contains various essential amino acids that your rabbit requires to stay strong, healthy, and fit.

For the most part, wild rabbits eat these weeds all year. When consumed in the right amounts, clover can be a nutritious food source for pet rabbits too.

On the other hand, rabbits ’ primary food source is hay, so you should prioritize hay in your pet’s daily diet. Hay is rich in fiber which rabbits need to prevent the formation of harmful bacteria in the intestines. Also, fiber is essential to rabbits’ digestive systems. 

Still, Rabbits cannot live on hay alone. We must incorporate fruits and vegetables into bunnies’ usual diet. Besides, rabbits require a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients and vitamins to stay healthy. That’s why they need to eat nutritious greens like clover regularly.  


Why Should Rabbits Consume Clover in Moderation?

Making clover the mainstay in rabbits’ diet may cause various health issues. Although clover is beneficial to rabbits, it is best to proceed with caution. Like other leafy greens, rabbits should eat trefoil moderately.

Clover hays, like Alfalfa, are high in protein and calcium. These nutrients may be more than an adult domestic rabbit requires, and excessive eating might lead to health issues. It increases the risk of kidney stones and the production of bladder sludge. Furthermore, because clover is high in calcium, we must avoid providing other calcium-rich meals to rabbits while they are eating clover.

In addition, plants like Clover often cause gas, so limiting your rabbit’s consumption is best. Too much clover (and not enough hay) can lead to gastrointestinal stasis, which is potentially fatal. Bloating and other sorts of pain can occur in your rabbit as well. So, if you notice any discomfort, stop feeding your rabbit clover ( and similar vegetables ) and seek vet care promptly.

How To Prepare Clover For Rabbits 

Clover is a healthy leafy green for rabbits. Even in small amounts, clover can be beneficial to bunnies’ health. However, we must feed them per a set of instructions. The following tips will assist rabbits in getting the most out of their clover consumption.

  • Rabbits should always eat fresh Clover. Avoid feeding your bunny brown clover leaves. 
  • In places where pesticides and chemicals are used, do not pick Clover. These could harm you if they are present.
  • Wash the leaves carefully under running water to remove dirt and chemical residue. 
  • Rabbits have a hard time adapting to unexpected dietary changes. And, unbalanced digestion and disease might result from the fast introduction of many fresh foods.
  • You should start with just a few leaves when introducing Clovers to rabbits for the first time. Then carefully observe them for 24 hours. Diarrhea, tiredness, constipation, and a loss of appetite are all warning signs to watch out for. If they become ill, stop feeding clovers and offer hay and water to the rabbits.
  • Then again, keep in mind that clover has a lot of calcium, so don’t combine it with other calcium-rich items in the rabbit’s diet.
  • Unweaned bunnies should not eat clovers; they need their mother’s milk and hay. While young bunnies can eat clovers, they should at least be twelve weeks old. Yet, we recommend sticking to alfalfa, pellets, and water for young bunnies.
  • Salad is a fantastic way to prepare clover for your bunnies. Make a salad of about three or four different leafy vegetables, with clover as one of them.


Do Rabbits Like To Eat Clover? 

Can rabbits eat clover _A white rabbit and clover leaves covered with dewdrops

Clover is a favorite food of both wild and domesticated rabbits. It’s a great way to round up your bunny’s leafy greens. The soft texture of the leaves is also a hit with them. Clovers are high in nutrients and fiber, but low in calories; thus, they are less likely to cause weight gain than other frequent treatment options.

Furthermore, while rabbits rarely suffer from protein shortage,  those who do may benefit from protein-rich plants like clover. Still, keep in mind that pet rabbits adore clover and will consume it in more significant quantities if given a chance.

In addition, you can plant clover in your garden. That way, you can have the leaves on hand as topping for hay or a special treat for your bunnies. However, to keep the rabbits healthy, don’t use chemicals or harsh fertilizers on the clover plants. You can also dry clover if you have a lot of it and save it for later.

How Do You Keep Rabbits Out of Your Clover Lawn?

Clover makes an excellent landscaping plant. But, if you don’t want wild rabbits to eat your garden and landscape plants, you can take action to discourage them. Consider the following steps:

  • Spray the lawn plants with natural repellants such as garlic powder and hot chilies, or use catnip or lavender as a repellent.
  • Restrict access to your garden and yard should be restricted. Fencing with mesh wire can be used for this.
  • Use a non-lethal rabbit trap.


What Kind of Clover is Safe For Rabbits? 

Can rabbits eat clover_ A pet rabbit and white clover flower

Due to its nutritious value, clover is often recognized as one of the best leafy greens for rabbits. For rabbits, the clover plant contains no harmful components. As long as rabbits are at least 12 weeks old and not eating clover instead of hay, every part of the clover plant is safe and delicious. These parts include the leaves, stalks, flowers,  and sprouts.

With over 250 known species, clovers are widespread throughout most parts worldwide. Rabbits can eat almost every variety of clover. Red clover is a preferred clover variety among rabbits, and it grows as an annual plant for several years. White clover, with its little white blossoms when in bloom, is another favorite of rabbits.

Like other colorful vegetables, clovers may help reduce inflammation and defend against free radical activity. When rabbits eat clover leaves often, the chance of chronic or life-threatening diseases like arthritis and cancer decreases. As a result, you can provide clover to rabbits in moderation without causing them any harm.

The common types of clover that are safe for rabbits are as follows.

  • White Clover
  • Red Clover
  • Yellow Clover
  • Shamrock clover
  • Wild Clover
  • Purple Clover
  • Sweet Clover
  • Crimson Clover 

Can Rabbits Eat Purple and Pink Clover?

Can rabbits eat clover_ A rabbit eating grass and a field of purple clover blossoms 

As earlier shown, rabbits can eat all varieties of clover. Purple clover is the familiar, pinkish-purple clover that grows on lawns, meadows, and along roadsides throughout the state. Purple clover is a safe kind of clover that rabbits love.

Thanks to the same compounds that give it its vibrant color, purple clover is regarded as significantly more nutritious than its white ones. This clover variety is rich in calcium, magnesium, Vitamin C, potassium, and other antioxidants.

Bunnies can also eat sweet clover. These clover varieties are also abundant in calcium and protein. As a result, there should be no problem if you simply serve them as a treat. In general, bee-friendly clover is acceptable.


Can rabbits eat clover? Yes, they can. The essential thing is to ensure the clover you feed your bun is fresh, devoid of pesticides, and provided in moderation.

While leafy greens are essential for these bunnies, always follow the rabbit diet guidelines. Rabbit food should contain at least 80% hay. It should also have 5% pellets and 10% to 15% fresh foods.

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