Are Rabbits considered Red Meat?

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At some point, you may have wondered ‘Are Rabbits considered Red Meat’? Maybe it is because you want to work on your diet. In this article, we’ll not only tell you whether rabbits are red meat or not, but we’ll also give reasons why. We are going to answer the following questions:

  • Why is Rabbit not Red Meat?
  • Are rabbits all white meat?
  • What is considered Red Meat?
  • What is Considered White Meat?
  • Which is more beneficial to your health- Red or White Meat?

Why is Rabbit Not Red Meat?

Are Rabbits considered Red Meat_ Red Meat on a board

To answer this question, we must first know what red meat is. Red meat is any kind of meat that has a dark color before and after cooking. It is normally red before it is cooked. White meat on the other hand has a light color whether it is cooked or uncooked. Rabbits have the characteristic pale color of white meat hence they belong to this category.

Are Rabbits All-white Meat?

Are Rabbits considered Red Meat_ White Meat and herbs

Rabbit meat is nearly similar to chicken meat, which is the standard example of white meat. Its calorie content is 795 calories per pound compared to 810 calories per pound of chicken. It contains 20.8% proteins per pound and Chicken meat has 20% proteins per pound. 10.2% fat per pound is found in rabbits while in chickens, the value is 11% fat per pound. Chicken meat has a higher Cholesterol content than Rabbit meat (0.68% to 0.57%).

Rabbit meat is richer in Minerals whereas Chicken meat contains more vitamins. They both lack carbohydrates hence fats and proteins are their only source of energy. Proteins are the major energy source while fats are the minor. These two types of meat are so similar, that you could swap one for the other in a cooking recipe.

With all these in mind, it’s safe to say Rabbit meat is all-white meat.

What is Considered Red Meat?

Are Rabbits considered Red Meat_ Red Meat and herbs on a board

On a general level, dark-colored meat is considered red meat. This consists of the meat of adult mammals like cattle (beef), horses, goats (mutton), deer (venison), boar, and hare. However,  another definition states that red meat is any meat that contains more myoglobin than chicken and fish. This included the meat of all mammals regardless of their age or actual color. Hence, light-colored meat like pork and rabbit are labeled as red meat.

The general definition is the Culinary Arts definition while the opposing, less popular definition is the Nutritional science definition.

What is Considered White Meat?

Are Rabbits considered Red Meat_ White Meat on a board

 White meat is generally considered to be any light-colored meat. It includes the meat of rabbit, turkey, duck, geese, lamb, veal, chicken, and fish. However, Nutritional science considers only chicken and fish to be white meat.

Which is More Beneficial To Your Health: Red or White Meat?

Red meat may be abundant in proteins, minerals, and vitamins but various studies have linked it to diabetes, multiple cancer types, and heart diseases.

Myoglobin is the reason behind its association with cancer. During digestion, it is split into a cancer-causing compound called N-nitroso. N-nitroso works by entering the DNA of normal cells and changing them to those of cancer cells. Normally, the body can locate and kill these cells. However, when too much red meat is consumed, these Cancer cells become numerous and spread throughout the body. Hence, getting rid of them becomes difficult.

Red Meat is also broken down into carcinogenic compounds when it is roasted and grilled. 

There is concrete proof that unprocessed red meat increases the risk of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) and stroke. Red meat contains chemical substances like Cholesterol, Triglycerides, and Heme Iron which damage the arteries especially those in the heart and brain. Blood supply becomes interrupted in those 2 organs, leading to CHD and Stroke respectively.

Red meat is also believed to cause diabetes but there isn’t sufficient evidence to prove that.

On the other hand, white meat reduces such risks. It has low Myoglobin and Cholesterol content. White meat is rich in Calcium which strengthens the bones and teeth and prevents bone diseases like osteoporosis and arthritis. It contains Phosphorus which boosts brain function. Collagen, another content of white meat, strengthens the arteries and lowers blood pressure.

From the above, we can deduce that white meat is more beneficial to human health than red meat. This doesn’t necessarily mean you should stop eating red meat completely. You still need some of its nutrients like protein. Scientists recommend you eat nothing more than 65 grams of Red meat per day. That’s way less than half the average size of the steak.


Despite the health benefits of white meat, you shouldn’t consume too much else you might end up getting Protein poisoning.

Protein poisoning is a condition where the body has excess protein but is deficient in fat and carbohydrates. Its symptoms are nausea, fatigue, low blood pressure, diarrhea, headaches, food cravings, mood swings, and low heart rate. It carries a high risk of death if not treated properly.


 In the culinary world, Rabbit meat is classified as White Meat due to its color and close similarities with chicken meat. However, some other fields such as nutritional science argue it to be Red Meat. Their reason is that it is a mammal and has a higher myoglobin content (0.02%) than Chicken (0.005%) even though the difference is small.

Despite the never-ending debate, both sides agree that rabbit meat is the healthiest meat on the planet. Red meats come with more disadvantages than benefits. You can’t do without them hence it’s best to consume them in small amounts. White meat may be the healthier option but you still need to ensure you limit your intake.

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