Everything Bunnies has a mission to educate people about the everyday experiences of having an indoor or outdoor pet rabbit. We provide information about rabbit care, behavior, and health from legitimate studies and books specifically for rabbits.
My parents and I would travel to rabbit shows and enter our rabbits as a child. It was such a great experience seeing so many beautiful rabbits and meeting so many other people that were just as passionate about their rabbits. We also sold and traded many rabbits we raised to other breeders. My love for rabbits is still vital to this day. We mostly bred and sold Netherland Dwarfs and Flemish Giants, which are on two different sides of the size spectrum. There were also times when we had many other breeds such as Rexs, Chinchillas, and Californians to name a few.

Now that I’m an adult and my parents have both passed on, I continue the love, caring, and education of rabbits through my 3 daughters: Mary Claire, Molly, and Maggie. They enjoy caring for the rabbits the same way I did as a kid. We designed this website to show some tips and tricks about your bunny’s diet, housing, toys, do’s and don’t;s, and much more. We hope bunny lovers like ourselves get good use out of this website.